competition wizard magazine

competition wizard magazine
competition wizard magazine

Wednesday, June 29, 2022

knowledge questions magazine

knowledge questions magazine

knowledge questions magazine Published this article page no  06 Area covered by forests Forests cover 31% of the global land area. o More than half of the worlds forests are found in only 5 countries  Brazil Canada China Russia and US.  Deforestation and forest degradation It continues to take place at alarming rates which contributes significantly to the ongoing loss of biodiversity. Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)  It is a specialized agency of the United Nations that leads international efforts to defeat hunger.  Its goal is to achieve food security for all and make sure that people have regular access to enough highquality food to lead active healthy lives.  It was established in 1945 and has around 194 Member countries.  It is headquartered in Rome Italy. UNEP  It is the leading global environmental authority that sets the global environmental agenda promotes the coherent implementation of the environmental dimension of sustainable development within the United Nations system.  Headquarter Nairobi Kenya. Some findings in FRA 2020  Forest regeneration Area of naturally regenerating forests decreased since 1990 but area of planted forests increased. o Asia had highest net gain of forest area while Africa had largest annual rate of net forest loss.  Protected areas 18% of forest worldwide is in protected areas. o 25% of forests worldwide are Primary forests i.e. forests with no clearly visible indications of human activities. o South America has the highest share of forests in protected areas at 31%. o About 10% of the worlds forests is allocated for biodiversity conservation  Forest fire Fire is a prevalent forest disturbance in the tropics. Fire burned about 4 percent of the total forest area in tropics knowledge questions magazine buy.

knowledge questions magazine

arihant current affairs magazine

arihant current affairs magazine

arihant current affairs magazine Published this article page no 112  Parole and furlough are covered under the Prison Act of 1894.Since prison is a subject of the state the Prison Act of the particular state government defines the rules under which parole is granted.  Parole is granted by the state executive. If parole is rejected the convict can move the High Court challenging the order of the competent authority.  Also apart from regular parole the superintendent of a jail can also grant parole up to a period of seven days in emergent cases. 11. Watts on the Moon Challenge NASAs Watts on the Moon Challenge seeks solutions for energy distribution management andor storage that address NASA technology gaps and can be further developed for space flight and future operation on the lunar surface.  Significance Not only could novel solutions make a difference in lunar and space exploration but technologies discovered during NASAs Watts on the Moon competition could help facilitate new power options on Earth.  The Challenge is managed by NASAs Glenn Research Center in Cleveland and is part of Centennial Challenges based at the agencys Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville Alabama. 12. Konark temple town to be a 100 percent solar town Odisha plans to make the coastal temple town a 100 per cent solar town and also place it among Indias first few zero emission cities or towns. About the Temple 1. Built in the 13th century the Konark temple was conceived as a gigantic chariot of the Sun God with 12 pairs of exquisitely ornamented wheels pulled by seven horses. 2. It was built by King Narasimhadeva I the great ruler of Ganga dynasty. 3. The temple was included in UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1984 for its architectural greatness and also for the sophistication and abundance of sculptural work. 4. The temple is a perfect blend of Kalinga architecture heritage exotic beach and salient natural beauty arihant current affairs magazine buy. 

arihant current affairs magazine

Saturday, June 25, 2022

junior science refresher magazine pdf free download

junior science refresher magazine pdf free download 

junior science refresher magazine pdf free download Published this article page no 72  One Nation One Election Context Chief Election Commissioner Sushil Chandra has said that the Election Commission is ready to hold simultaneous elections or One Nation One Election.Earlier this year on National Voters Day Prime Minister Narendra Modi during his address had raised the topics of One Nation One Election and One Nation One Voters list and had said that the continuous cycle of election results is affecting development works. What is One Nation One Election? It refers to holding elections to Lok Sabha State Legislative Assemblies Panchayats and Urban local bodies simultaneously once in five year. But what are the challenges posed by frequent elections? 1. Massive expenditure. 2. Policy paralysis that results from the imposition of the Model Code of Conduct during election time.  42 3. Impact on delivery of essential services. 4. Burden on crucial manpower that is deployed during election time. 5. Puts pressure on political parties especially smaller ones as elections are becoming increasingly expensive. Benefits of Simultaneous ElectionsGovernance and consistency The ruling parties will be able to focus on legislation and governance rather than having to be in campaign mode forever.Reduced Expenditure of Money and Administration.Continuity in policies and programmes.Efficiency of Governance Populist measures by governments will reduce.The impact of black money on the voters will be reduced as all elections are held at a time. Impact on Regional parties There is always a tendency for voters to vote the same party in power in the state and at the Centre in case the Lok Sabha polls and the state elections are held together. For simultaneous elections to be implemented Changes to be made in Constitution and Legislations 1. Article 83 which deals with the duration of Houses of Parliament need an amendment. 2. Article 85 (on dissolution of Lok Sabha by the president). 3. Article 172 (relating to the duration of state legislatures). The Representation of People Act 1951 Act would have to be amended to build in provisions for stability of tenure for both parliament and assemblies. This should include the following crucial elements 1. Restructuring the powers and functions of the ECI to facilitate procedures required for simultaneous elections 2. A definition of simultaneous election can be added to section 2 of the 1951 act junior science refresher magazine pdf free download buy.

junior science refresher magazine pdf free download 

junior science refresher magazine pdf free download

junior science refresher magazine pdf free download 

junior science refresher magazine pdf free download Published this article page no  71 To be eligible for a National Political Party of India 1. It wins at least two percent seats in the House of the People (i.e. 11 seats in the existing House having 543 members) and these members are elected from at least three different States. 2. Get at least six per cent votes in four states in addition to four Lok Sabha seats. 3. Be recognised as a state party in four or more states. To be eligible for a State Political Party 1. It must secure six per cent of the votes during the Assembly elections and two Assembly seats or 2. Six per cent of votes in the Lok Sabha from the state and an MP from the state or 3. Three per cent of total Assembly seats or three seats (whichever is greater) or 4. One MP from every 25 Lok Sabha seats or eight per cent of total votes in the state during the Lok Sabha election from the state or the Assembly polls. Benefits 1. If a party is recognised as a State Party it is entitled for exclusive allotment of its reserved symbol to the candidates set up by it in the State in which it is so recognised and if a party is recognised as a `National Party it is entitled for exclusive allotment of its reserved symbol to the candidates set up by it throughout India. 2. Recognised `State and `National parties need only one proposer for filing the nomination and are also entitled for two sets of electoral rolls free of cost at the time of revision of rolls and their candidates get one copy of electoral roll free of cost during General Elections. 3. They also get broadcasttelecast facilities over AkashvaniDoordarshan during general elections. 4. The travel expenses of star campaigners are not to be accounted for in the election expense accounts of candidates of their party junior science refresher magazine pdf free download buy.

junior science refresher magazine pdf free download 

Thursday, June 23, 2022

science reporter magazine subscription

science reporter magazine subscription

science reporter magazine subscription Published this article page no 01  Decision of the Presiding officer is subject to Judicial Review The law initially stated that the decision of the Presiding Officer is not subject to judicial review. This condition was struck down by the Supreme Court in Kihoto holohan Case 1992 thereby allowing appeal against the Presiding Officers decision in the High Court and Supreme Court. o However it held that there may not be any judicial intervention until the Presiding Officer gives his order.  Time limit within which the Presiding Officer has to decide The law does not specify a timeperiod for the Presiding Officer to decide on a disqualification plea. Courts have expressed concern about the unnecessary delay in deciding such petitions. High Courts can direct Speakers to rule on disqualification petitions if they do not do this within reasonable time. What can be done to overcome these issues?Narrowing the definition of defection Defining actions or conduct (on the part of legislators) which constitutes defection in a manner that does not inhibit them to independently think and express their opinions. This will ensure that dissent among party members does not necessarily translate into instability and disagreement does not become a ground for disqualification. o Several experts have suggested that the law should be valid only for those votes that determine the stability of the government (passage of the annual budget or noconfidence motions).Intra party democracy Changes are required in the Representation of People Act and the current political culture to make political parties more democratic in the selection of their leadership. This will indirectly create more acceptance for divergence of opinion and stance within the party science reporter magazine subscription buy.

science reporter magazine subscription

gk today magazine subscription

gk today magazine subscription

gk today magazine subscription Published this article page no 132  o Creating and rejuvenating traditional water storage systems like Jal Mandir (Gujarat) Khatri Kuhl (H.P.) Zabo (Nagaland) Eri Ooranis (T.N.) Dongs (Assam) Katas Bandhas (Odisha and M.P.) etc. at feasible locations.PMKSY (Per Drop More Crop) o Promoting efficient water conveyance and precision water application devices like drips sprinklers pivots rainguns in the farm (Jal Sinchan). o Construction of micro irrigation structures to supplement source creation activities including tube wells and dug wells (in areas where ground water is available and not under semi critical critical over exploited category of development). water arresting runoff providing livelihood options and other activities. o Secondary storage structures at tail end of canal system to store water when available in abundance (rainy season) or from perennial sources for use during dry periods. o Extension activities for promotion of scientific moisture conservation and agronomic measures including cropping alignment to maximise use of available water. o Water lifting devices like diesel electric solar pumpsets.PMKSY (Watershed Development) o Effective management of runoff water and improved soil & moisture conservation activities such as ridge area treatment drainage line treatment rain water harvesting insitu moisture conservation and other allied activities on watershed basis. o Converging with MGNREGS for creation of water source to full potential in identified backward rainfed blocks including renovation of traditional water bodies gk today magazine subscription buy.

gk today magazine subscription

Wednesday, June 15, 2022

shine india monthly magazine

shine india monthly magazine

shine india monthly magazine Published this article page no   29 1.8. PLACES IN NEWS S. N. Place Detailed map 1. South China Sea (SCS) Chinas aircraft carrier task group recently conducted an exercise in SCS which it described as routine training. In 2016 China rejected UNCLOS Arbitral Tribunal ruling which said that China cannot claim historic rights to resources in the waters within a ninedash line encompassing much of SCS. About UNCLOS o It is an international agreement that resulted from the third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS III). o It defines the rights and responsibilities of nations with respect to their use of the worlds oceans establishing guidelines for businesses the environment and the management of marine natural resources. o India signed the Convention in 1982 and ratified in 1995. . Agalega Islands Mauritius Mauritius denies report of allowing Indian military base on Agalega islands. It consists of North Island and South Island. In 2015 India signed an agreement with Mauritius for development of Agalega Islands. 3. Chagos Island Mauritius has welcomed the Universal Postal Unions (UPU UN postal agency) decision to ban British stamps from being used on the Chagos archipelago. Although Mauritius became independent in 1968 the Chagos archipelago remained under British control. Britain and the US operate a joint military base on the island. 4. Mount Kun Peak (Suru Valley Kargil) Recently the Defence Minister flaggedin a National Institute of Mountaineering and Allied Sports (NIMAS) team on completion of Mountain Kun expedition. Mount Kun Peak is located in the NunKun Mountain Massif the highest feature of Zanskar range with Mountain Nun (7135 metres) and Kun (7077 metres). It was first climbed in 1913 by Italian Mountaineers Mario Piacenza and Borelli ed Gaspard. 5. Sakteng Region Bhutan China has laid claims to Bhutans Eastern Sakteng region including Bhutan Sakteng wildlife sanctuary. 6. Maldives Recently the contract for the largestever infrastructure project Greater Male Connectivity Project (GMCP) in the Maldives was signed shine india monthly magazine buy.

shine india monthly magazine

shine india monthly magazine

shine india monthly magazine

shine india monthly magazine Published this article page no   28  System of Transmission of flood forecasting data on major rivers like Ganga Teesta Brahmaputra and Barak during the monsoon season. IndiaBhutan Comprehensive Scheme for Establishment of Hydrometeorological and Flood Forecasting Network on rivers Common to India and Bhutan. A Joint Group of Expert (JGE) on Flood Management. 1.7. OTHER IMPORTANT NEWS MekongGanga Cooperation (MGC) Indias Foreign Minister during the 11th MGC meeting said that India is seeking a multidimensional engagement with the Mekong region. The MGC initiative comprising six countries India Cambodia Myanmar Thailand Laos and Vietnam was launched in 2000 to boost cooperation in a range of areas including connectivity education tourism and culture. IndiaVietnam Fifth anniversary of the IndiaVietnam Comprehensive Strategic Partnership was celebrated. In the backdrop of the anniversary celebrations the countries signed three memorandum of understanding in parliamentary cooperation information technology and marine sciences. IndiaVietnam relations o India and Vietnam with historical roots in the common struggle for liberation from colonial rule share traditionally close and cordial bilateral relations. o Relations between the two countries were elevated to the level of Strategic Partnership during in 2007 and further elevated to a Comprehensive Strategic Partnership in 2016. Initiatives to boost relations o The Swami Vivekananda Indian Cultural Centre (SVCC) was established in Hanoi to foster closer links between peoples of both countries through cultural exchanges. o Under the Mekong Ganga Cooperation (MGC) framework India has been taking up Quick Impact Projects (QIPs) each valued at US$ 50000 in different provinces of Vietnam for development of community infrastructure. o India has given Vietnam $600 million line of credit for buying defense equipment from India shine india monthly magazine buy.

shine india monthly magazine

shine india monthly magazine

 shine india monthly magazine

shine india monthly magazine Published this article page no   25 1.2. INDIATIBET Why in News? China has completed construction of a strategically significant highway in Tibet enabling greater access to remote areas along the disputed border with Arunachal Pradesh in India. Facts about Tibet Often dubbed as Asias Water Tower Tibets glaciers feed Asias great rivers the Brahmaputra Mekong Yangtze Indus Yellow and Salween. Mineral waterfrom the plateau has become one of the regions first commercially tapped resources. Chinas biggest copper deposit is at Tibets Yulong copper mine. Tibet also has large iron lead zinc and cadmium deposits minerals China needs to feed its booming economy. Geologists believe that Tibet also possess significant crude oil and natural gas reserves. Buddhism was introduced in Tibet by Indians. It is the home of Dalai Lama religious leader deeply respected by the people of India. After Panchsheel Agreement or the Agreement on Trade and Intercourse between the Tibet region of China and India (1954) India gave up extra territorial rights in Tibet such as 5 military escorts post offices telegraph etc. Thus India accepted the principle that Tibet constitutes an integral part of China. Tibet Policy and Support Act (TPSA) of USA 2020 TPSA calls for the establishment of a U.S. consulate in Tibets main city of Lhasa the absolute right of Tibetans to choose a successor to the Dalai Lama and the preservation of Tibets environment. It formally acknowledges Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) as the legitimate institution reflecting the aspirations of the Tibetan diaspora around the world. 1.3. INDIABANGLADESH Why in News? The year 2021 marked the golden jubilee (50 years) of 1971 IndiaPakistan war that led to the liberation of Bangladesh. Background of IndiaBangladesh relations India was one of the first countries to recognize Bangladesh and establish diplomatic relations immediately after its independence in December 1971. Trade relations Bangladesh is Indias biggest trading partner in South Asia (nearly $9.5 Bn). o To address trade imbalance India has offered duty free access to multiple Bangladeshi products and is developing 10 Integrated Check Post with stateoftheart facilities. Military cooperation The armed forces from both sides regularly conduct joint drills like exercise Sampriti and Milan. India has also extended $500 million line of credit to Bangladesh for defence imports from India shine india monthlymagazine buy.

 shine india monthly magazine

Thursday, June 2, 2022

Mahindra current affairs magazine

Mahindra current affairs magazine

Mahindra current affairs magazine published this article page no  according to the senior imd scientist rk jenamani states including delhi rajasthan punjab and haryana are likely to experience rainfall and thunderstorm from nd to th may so the temperatures are expected to drop then to  degrees celsius. the heatwave which is very intense today will continue to persist for the next  hours after which the temperature will drop rk jenamani senior scientist imd the temperatures are expected to drop slightly from today in the states in eastern india including odisha west bengal bihar and jharkhand. areas like jharsuguda sambalpur balangir & angulin odisha recorded °c yesterday but the temperature is expected to begin dropping from today as per rk jenamani. if we talk about eastern india temperature already dropping slightly from today in odisha bihar wb & jharkhand. areas like jharsuguda sambalpur balangir & angulin odisha recorded °c yday temperature will begin dropping here from tomorrow Mahindra current affairs magazine.

Mahindra current affairs magazine

Mahindra current affairs magazine

Mahindra current affairs magazine

Mahindra current affairs magazine published this article page no 0 unwto announced that russia has withdrawn from the united nations tourism body ahead of a vote to suspend russias membership over its invasion of ukraine. unwto said in a tweet that moscow has announced its intention of withdrawing from the united nations world tourism organisation and added that russias suspension is effective immediately. unwto had announced earlier in march 0 that it wanted to suspend russia over its war with ukraine. the decision to suspend the country from the world tourism organization must be approved by twothirds of its  member states at a twoday general assembly which got underway on april  0. the world tourism body while commenting on russias suspension also said that it is the first time it has met to consider the suspension of one of its members Mahindra current affairs magazine.

Mahindra current affairs magazine