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Wednesday, June 15, 2022

shine india monthly magazine

shine india monthly magazine

shine india monthly magazine Published this article page no   29 1.8. PLACES IN NEWS S. N. Place Detailed map 1. South China Sea (SCS) Chinas aircraft carrier task group recently conducted an exercise in SCS which it described as routine training. In 2016 China rejected UNCLOS Arbitral Tribunal ruling which said that China cannot claim historic rights to resources in the waters within a ninedash line encompassing much of SCS. About UNCLOS o It is an international agreement that resulted from the third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS III). o It defines the rights and responsibilities of nations with respect to their use of the worlds oceans establishing guidelines for businesses the environment and the management of marine natural resources. o India signed the Convention in 1982 and ratified in 1995. . Agalega Islands Mauritius Mauritius denies report of allowing Indian military base on Agalega islands. It consists of North Island and South Island. In 2015 India signed an agreement with Mauritius for development of Agalega Islands. 3. Chagos Island Mauritius has welcomed the Universal Postal Unions (UPU UN postal agency) decision to ban British stamps from being used on the Chagos archipelago. Although Mauritius became independent in 1968 the Chagos archipelago remained under British control. Britain and the US operate a joint military base on the island. 4. Mount Kun Peak (Suru Valley Kargil) Recently the Defence Minister flaggedin a National Institute of Mountaineering and Allied Sports (NIMAS) team on completion of Mountain Kun expedition. Mount Kun Peak is located in the NunKun Mountain Massif the highest feature of Zanskar range with Mountain Nun (7135 metres) and Kun (7077 metres). It was first climbed in 1913 by Italian Mountaineers Mario Piacenza and Borelli ed Gaspard. 5. Sakteng Region Bhutan China has laid claims to Bhutans Eastern Sakteng region including Bhutan Sakteng wildlife sanctuary. 6. Maldives Recently the contract for the largestever infrastructure project Greater Male Connectivity Project (GMCP) in the Maldives was signed shine india monthly magazine buy.

shine india monthly magazine

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