competition wizard magazine

competition wizard magazine
competition wizard magazine

Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Junior Science Refresher

Junior Science Refresher

Junior Science Refresher Published this article page no 36 safe drinking water has a positive impact on the nutritional status of children and prevents financial loss in the household and contributes to the overall economy of the country. convergence health and water  prioritise water schemes in villagesblocks where waterrelated disease burden is high. this would require working with the health sector to identify common healthbased targets and develop an implementation plan for jointly agreed target areas Junior Science Refresher buy.

Junior Science Refresher

Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Shine india monthly magazine

Shine india monthly magazine

Shine india monthly magazine published this article page no 7 nature protector app has been designed to help any conscious citizen to participate in the nature conservation campaign.  it is high time for us to realise waters true multidimensional value if we are to survive the future and build a sustainable world. india a centuriesold civilisation has originated and flourished on the banks of the sacred rivers of indus and saraswati. the importance of water conservation and management was often highlighted in the ancient texts. india has also a vast number of natural resources and is blessed with rich flora and fauna. according to the india state of forest report (isfr) 2019 the total forest and tree cover has also risen to 24.56 per cent of the total geographical area of the country Shine india monthly magazine.

Shine india monthly magazine

Monday, July 18, 2022

Shine india monthly magazine

Shine india monthly magazine

Shine india monthly magazine Published this article page no  66 It will be computed by using the reciprocal of the total fertility rate (TFR) of each state scaled by 1971 population data. States with a lower fertility ratio will be scored higher on this criterion.  It has been assigned a total weight of 12.5%. o Tax Effort Many States had suggested inclusion of tax performance criteria to incentivize States with higher efficiency of tax collection. The commission has assigned a total weight of 2.5% to reward the states with higher tax collection efficiency. 26 The trends of previous Finance Commissions criteria are as followsGrantsinaid In 202021 the following grants will be provided to states (i) revenue deficit grants (ii) grants to local bodies and (iii) disaster management grants. The Commission has also proposed a framework for sectorspecific and performancebased grants. Statespecific grants will be provided in the final report. Revenue deficit grants  In 202021 14 states are estimated to have an aggregate revenue deficit of Rs 74340 crore postdevolution. The Commission recommended revenue deficit grants for these states. Special Grants  In case of three states (Karnataka Mizoram and Telangana) the sum of devolution and revenue deficit grants is estimated to decline in 202021 as compared to 201920. The Commission has recommended special grants to these states aggregating to Rs 6764 crore. Sectoral Grants  The Commission has recommended a grant of Rs 7375 crore for nutrition in 202021 Shine india monthly magazine buy.

Shine india monthly magazine

Saturday, July 16, 2022

Shine india monthly magazine

Shine india monthly magazine

Shine india monthly magazine Published this article page no   105 Both will work on projects for facilitating a smooth transition towards energy efficient solutions and technologies while phasing down HFCs.  Further work will be done on the IndiaNorway Ocean Dialogue and through the Joint Task Force on Blue Economy for Sustainable Development.  Both countries to work jointly towards mitigating marine plastic litter and microplastics.  Both agreed to work together to deliver an ambitious strong practical and effective global biodiversity framework at COP15 of CBD to be held in Kunming China in 2020. Animal Culture Linked to Conservation  Animal culture the learning of nonhuman species through socially transmitted behaviors is being linked to conservation action for the first time at the CMS COP13.  There is evidence that whales dolphins elephants and primates acquire some of their knowledge and skills through social learning. o Also some animals may learn socially from adults or peers about various behaviors including optimal migration routes. E.g. A nutcracking Chimpanzee can crack open different types of nut by using stones and pieces of wood as a hammer and anvil. Scientists say this cultural capacity enables these Chimpanzees to survive dry seasons in their western habitats.  Protecting cultural knowledge among peers and across generations may be vital for the survival and successful reproduction of certain species.  Supporting individuals that act as repositories of social knowledge such as elephant matriarchs or groups of knowledgeable elders may be just as important as conserving critical habitat Shine india monthly magazine buy. 

Shine india monthly magazine

Friday, July 15, 2022

competition success review

competition success review

competition success review Published this article page no  129 Wetlands wise use and ecological character  Management of notified wetlands is recommended to be based on wise use approach. Ramsar Convention defines the wise use of wetlands as the maintenance of their ecological character achieved through the implementation of ecosystem approaches within the context of sustainable development. o Ecosystem approach requires consideration of the complex relationship between various ecosystem elements and promotion of integrated management of land water and living resources. o Ecological character is the combination of ecosystem components processes and services that typify the wetland at a given point in time. Ecosystem components are living (biotic) and nonliving (abiotic) constituents of the wetland ecosystem.  Prohibited activities  Conversion of Wetland including encroachment of any kind setting up of any industry and expansion of existing industries Solid waste dumping Discharge of untreated wastes and effluents from industries Poaching etc. o Permission for carrying out any prohibited activity within a notified wetland can only be given by MoEF&CC upon a specific request made by State Government based on recommendation of Wetlands Authority Regulated activities  Subsistence level biomass harvesting (including traditional practices) Sustainable culture fisheries practices Plying of nonmotorized boats Construction of temporary nature.  Account of preexisting rights and privileges in a notified wetland  Each wetland is likely to be associated with a range of preexisting rights and privileges and it must be ensured that such rights and privileges are aligned with the wise use approach. o Privilege is defined here as a special entitlement granted to restricted group or persons on a conditional basis and can be revoked. Rights on the other hand may be irrevocable and inherently held by a human being competition success review buy.

competition success review

Thursday, July 14, 2022

Junior Science Refresher

Junior Science Refresher

Junior Science Refresher this is science magazine in india Published this article page no  59 NATIONAL BIOMEDICAL RESOURCE INDIGENIZATION CONSORTIUM (NBRIC)  Recently National Biomedical Resource Indigenization Consortium (NBRIC) was constituted by the Department of Biotechnology Ministry of Science and Technology as a Public Private Partnership to drive indigenous innovation focused on developing reagents diagnostics vaccines and therapeutics for COVID19.  It is hosted and led by the Centre for Cellular and Molecular Platforms  NBRIC aims to be a nationwide collaborative platform for convergence of research product resources and services towards developing reagents diagnostics vaccines and therapeutics across India.  NBRIC is a Make in India initiative for Biomedical research and innovative products towards promoting import substitution and exports. Objectives  Identify providersmanufacturing enterprises of crucial biomedical resources  Assess their current capabilities capacities and requirements  Support them by creating an enabling environment and connecting with policy makers and other stakeholders from public and private sectors  Be the gateway for funding from the Department f Biotechnology  Biotechnology Industry Research Assistance Council (BIRAC) and Department of Science & Technology for development or scaling junior science refresher magazine buy.

Junior Science Refresher

Junior Science Refresher

Junior Science Refresher

Junior Science Refresher this is science magazine in india Published this article page no  58 VENUSIAN ATMOSPHERE ROTATES FASTER THAN THE PLANET ITSELF  Venus takes 243 Earth days to rotate once around its axis. Despite this very slow rotation Venuss atmosphere rotates westward 60 times faster than its planetary rotation. This phenomenon called superrotation was first discovered in the 1960s.  Venus atmosphere is thick and full of clouds of sulfuric acid. Its atmosphere heats so much making it hottest planet in solar system.  Sun heats planets dayside creating atmospheric tidal waves due to temperature difference with nightside. These thermal tides push atmosphere around planet making it rotate quickly. ARTEMIS ACCORDS FOR RESPONSIBLE SPACE EXPLORATION  Artemis Accord are a series of bilateral agreements between NASA and its international partners that want to cooperate on Artemis program o Artemis is NASAs moon mission under which it will land the first woman and the next man on Moon by 2024.  It has been established to create common set of principles to govern the civil exploration and use of outer space at times when numerous countries and private sector players conducting missions and operations in cislunar space (space between earth and moon).  The agreement includes various norms such as transparency peaceful exploration Interoperability of systems Registration of Space Objects Orbital Debris & Spacecraft Disposal etc.  Accord is based on the Outer Space Treaty of 1967 that was created to ensure fairness and peaceful relationships at a time when humans were first exploring the final frontier.  France Japan Australia and Canada have already shown their support. India has not clarified its stand yet junior science refresher magazinee buy. 

Junior Science Refresher

Wednesday, July 13, 2022

junior science refresher

junior science refresher

junior science refresher Published this article page no 135  Abuse of law: The law would end up being coercive, and in particular negatively impact marginalised communities, such as the Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribes, making them law-breakers. o Also, the amendment could push a large portion of the population into illegal marriages. Contradicts with other laws: A person upon reaching the age of 18 could vote but could not exercise the right of choice to marry. o Furthermore, as per the 2013 Criminal Law Amendment Act, age of consent for sexual activity is 18 years. Now, there are anticipation among social activists that the age of consent would be further raised to 21 to bring it on a par with the revised age of marriage of women. o Similarly, the Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) (Amendment) Act, 2016 allows adolescent in the age group of 14-18 years to work except in hazardous occupations and processes. But, the proposed legislation prohibits married below 21 years of the age. Other way of ensuring gender neutrality: In 2018, the Law Commission of India had suggested decreasing the minimum legal age of men from 21 to 18 years, and recommended keeping both the genders minimum legal age to marry as 18 years. Way ahead: Following deliveries must come first, as, unless they are implemented and women are empowered, the law will not be as effective junior science refresher buy.

junior science refresher

Tuesday, July 12, 2022

world focus magazine subscription

world focus magazine subscription

world focus magazine subscription Published this article page no  120 Consequently, the Dam Safety Bill, 2010 was introduced in Lok Sabha under Article 252, which allows Parliament to make laws on state subjects, applicable to those states, that pass a resolution requesting such a law. About Dams Dams are artificial barriers on rivers which store water and help in irrigation, power generation, flood moderation, and water supply. As on June 2019, India has 5,745 large dams (includes dams under construction).  After China and USA, India is the 3rd largest dam-owning nation in the world. o Most of the dams in India are constructed and maintained by the states, while some of the bigger dams are managed by autonomous bodies such as Damodar Valley Corporation or Bhakra Beas Management Board of Bhakra-Nangal Project. Over 75% of these dams are more than 20 years old and about 220 dams are more than 100 years old. Most of these large dams are in Maharashtra (2394), Madhya Pradesh (906), and Gujarat (632). 60Key features of the Act Applicability Act applies to all specified dams in the country. These are dams with: o Height more than 15 metres, or o Height between 10 metres to 15 metres and satisfying certain additional design conditions such as reservoir capacity. Dam safety authorities world focus magazine subscription buy.

world focus magazine subscription

junior science refresher

junior science refresher

junior science refresher Published this article page no     88   It aims at fostering technology promoting youth leadership and social entrepreneurship in India. o Through this young entrepreneurs and innovators will get a chance to connect with governments mentors incubators and investors who will help equip them with entrepreneurial skills. o It will convene social innovation challenges at the national and subnational level which will invite young people in the age group of 1829 years and startups to showcase their proposed ideas and solutions to tackle some of the regions biggest social challenges. It will transform the functionality of public administration using blockchain for efficient and transparent distribution of government subsidies streamlined recordkeeping systematic tax monitoring and regulated supply chain management.  The project also has plans to step into the education sector to curb fraudulent degrees and certifications and seamlessly manage massive amounts of data in the pharmaceuticals and healthcare industry junior science refresher buy.

junior science refresher

Thursday, July 7, 2022

Drishti current affairs today

Drishti current affairs today

Drishti current affairs today Published this article page no  17 These countries choose the leadership and senior management and so their interests dominate despite the fact that the main borrowers are developing countries.Many of the economic reforms IMF required as conditions for its lending (fiscal austerity trade liberalization etc.) have often been counterproductive for target economies.Need to shift the focus from the needs of the USA and European countries to those of developing countries by reforming the voting structure. Reforms in World Bank Governance relatedDominance of US and other members of the G7 in voting and administration do not take into account significant changes in the profiles of major economic actors such as India and China.  Critics see the World Bank together with the other global economic institutions as an imperialism tool which protect the interests and ideas of the western rich countries and expands their dominance in the rest of the world. 21 Structural Adjustment Programs (SAP)SAPs imposed by both IMF and the World Bank severely affected the developing countries.SAPs enforced privatization of industries cuts in government spending and imposition of user fees marketbased pricing higher interest rates and trade liberalization. o This has resulted in slow growth higher poverty lower incomes increased debt burdens low human development indicators and deteriorating social services in many developing countries. Redefining purposeWorld Bank has not been able to redefine its purpose as a lending and developmental institution in light of the emergence of nontraditional lenders such as China. o Asia Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) established by China is a multilateral development bank that focuses on infrastructure financing exactly the sort of work the World Bank does. Transparency in functioningBoth the World Bank and IMF are obscure and have little to open to the world in terms of documents and information Drishti current affairs today buy.

Drishti current affairs today

Wednesday, July 6, 2022

pratiyogita darpan hindi magazine subscription

pratiyogita darpan hindi magazine subscription

pratiyogita darpan hindi magazine subscription Published this article page no  102 CONTROLLED AERIAL DELIVERY SYSTEM500 (CADS500) The Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO)s Aerial Delivery Research and Development Establishment (ADRDE) in Agra, conducted a flight demonstration of its CADS-500. CADS-500 can be used for precise delivery of payloads up to 500 kilograms at a predetermined location by making use of manoeuvrable capabilities of Ram Air Parachute (RAP). It autonomously steers its flight path using waypoint navigation towards target location by operating controls. 4.4.6. VERTICAL LAUNCH SHORT RANGE SURFACE TO AIR MISSILE (VL-SRSAM) India successfully test-fired the missile for the second time from Chandipur off the coast of Odisha. o Launches were carried out for demonstration of vertical launch capability. It is meant for neutralising aerial threats at close ranges, including sea-skimming targets. o Sea skimming targets are those assets that fly as close as possible to sea surface to avoid being detected by the radars onboard warships. It is indigenously designed and developed by DRDO for the Indian Navy. 4.4.7. PRALAY MISSILE Launched by Defense Research and Development Organization (DRDO), maiden flight test of Pralay missile was successfully conducted. About Pralay o Indigenously developed surface-to-surface missile. o Has a range of 150-500 kilometres with an accuracy of less than 10 metres. o Has a guidance system that includes state-of-theart navigation mechanisms and integrated avionics pratiyogita darpan hindi magazine subscription buy.

pratiyogita darpan hindi magazine subscription

pratiyogita darpan hindi magazine subscription

pratiyogita darpan hindi magazine subscription

pratiyogita darpan hindi magazine subscription Published this article page no  101 AGNI PRIME Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) successfully test-fired the new generation nuclear-capable ballistic missile Agni Prime from APJ Abdul Kalam island off the coast of Odisha in Balasore. It is the sixth missile in the Agni series, it has a range of 1,000-2,000 kilometres making it capable of covering vital targets all across Pakistan. It weighs 50% 51less than the Agni 3 missile and can be launched from rail or road. It can be stored for a longer period and has easy movability pratiyogita darpan hindi magazine subscription buy.

pratiyogita darpan hindi magazine subscription

Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Banking service chronicle

Banking service chronicle

Banking service chronicle Published this article page no  20 These provisions are in line with the Hague Convention on Intercountry Adoption 1993 which was ratified by Government of India in 2003. o The Hague Convention of 1993 on Protection of Children and Cooperation in Respect of Intercountry Adoption (Hague Adoption Convention) protects children and their families against the risks of illegal irregular premature or illprepared adoptions abroad. o It also seeks to prevent the abduction the sale of or traffic in children Fundamental principles governing adoptions of children from India  The childs best interests shall be of paramount consideration while processing any adoption placement.  Preference shall be given to place the child in adoption with Indian citizens and with due regard to the principle of placement of the child in his own sociocultural environment as far as possible.  All adoptions shall be registered on Child Adoption Resource Information and Guidance System (CARINGS) and the confidentiality of the same shall be maintained by the Authority. 68 Disruption  Disruption means unmatching of child from adoptive family due to nonadjustment of child with adoptive family after placement but prior to the completion of legal process of adoption. o On disruption State Adoption Resource Agency holds counselling sessions with parents as well as child. Based on its findings child or adoptive parent is temporarily removed from list until they can prove their preparedness again Banking service chronicle buy. 

Banking service chronicle