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Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Shine india monthly magazine

Shine india monthly magazine

Shine india monthly magazine published this article 9 that is why india held its ground during dokhlam. o also china is expanding through belt road initiative (bri) a mega connectivity project with strategic implication for india particularly. the western contested chinabhutan territory is essential for the project i.e. for the railway line from lhasashigatse to nepal and later to bhutan. therefore china is keen to swap northern part for territories in western bhutan. o india sees bhutan from a chinese prism increasing sensitivities on the bhutanese side. dokhlam upstanding of india was seen by many to protect its own interest not the territorial interest of bhutan. bhutan has become skeptical of india protecting its national interest as china looms larger in the region due to its growing military and economic prowess Shine india monthly magazine buy.

Shine india monthly magazine

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