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Wednesday, December 28, 2022

griha shobha magazine in hindi

griha shobha magazine in hindi

griha shobha magazine in hindi This article was published in the month of October Others: o Can help in building mutual trust and confidence. o Engaging communities is a form of citizen engagement that leads communities to contribute to their own protection while ensuring respect towards the sovereignty of the State. Challenges in engaging local communities in border management  Inadequate state capacity: While ethnic homogeneity allows communities to engage across borders State capacities to manage the process are notably weak as can be seen in o Poor or non-existent border infrastructure; o Basic equipment for transport communications and security control is missing or cannot be maintained; o Law enforcement personnel are badly paid and inadequately trained etc.  Alienation of border communities: Indias border population in general quite often feel dissatisfied alienated and show hostile attitude towards border security forces. o Such attitude is owing to the restrictive nature of tasks performed by forces which is generally against the interest of local population griha shobha magazine subscription.

griha shobha magazine in hindi

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