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competition wizard magazine
competition wizard magazine

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Banking service chronicle

Banking service chronicle

Banking service chronicle published this article page no 6 let us shift our gaze from the larger global developments in the post-cold war era to developments in our own region south asia. when india and pakistan joined the club of nuclear powers this region suddenly became the focus of global attention. the focus was of course on the various kinds of conflict in this region there are pending border and water sharing disputes between the states of the region. besides there are conflicts arising out of insurgency ethnic strife and resource sharing. this makes the region very turbulent. at the same time many people in south asia recognise the fact that this region can develop and prosper if the states of the region cooperate with each other. in this chapter we try to understand the nature of conflict and cooperation among different countries of the region. since much of this is rooted in or conditioned by the domestic politics of these countries we first introduce the region and the domestic politics of some of the big countries in the region banking service chronicle magazine subscription.

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