competition wizard magazine

competition wizard magazine
competition wizard magazine

Saturday, July 24, 2021

Mahendras monthly magazine

 Mahendras monthly magazine

Mahendras monthly magazine published this article page no 3 at first glance its hard to imagine how the proliferation of human activity upon the environment has been a major factor in climate change given that climate change alone is nothing new over two million years the earths history has seen enormous changes indeed in the last ten thousand years the warming and cooling of the earth has been on a larger scale that what we see today the climate is however very changeable these days getting the politics right has been half the fight unfortunately the right policy has been held at bay partially by having the right knowledge of whats happening to the climate the climate changes we see today are the result of only a century and a half of study peanuts in comparison the huge shifts over the earths history the recent un climate change conference sought to put in place a policy to take over the kyoto protocol at its core were some recently publicised results 1 the warming trend on the earths surface has been taking place since the early part of the twentieth century the last ten years have been the warmest of that millennium 2 there have been rapid signs of melting the arctic circle the sea ice there has fallen by around eight percent over thirty years 3 the old inconsistency in the data between the temperature rise in the atmosphere and on the planets surface seems to have levelled out they appear to rise in parallel 4 the scripps institute of oceanography in california noted that the ocean has been warming at different depths for over 65 years these results match the predictions that warming has been induced more by greenhouse gases that as a result of small changes in the suns heat output 5 there has been an observed and recorded link between the sea surface temperature and the frequency and intensity of tropical storms typhoons and hurricanes 6 the existing computer models of the change in ocean currents in particular in the north atlantic are correct there are however still some unknowns for example the solar hypothesis is now known to be a lesser contributor the miniscule changes in the suns heat output over its eleven year sunspot cycle is adding to the mix also the aerosol emissions from sulphurous fuel promote the formation of clouds and as a consequence the sunlight reflected from the earths surface increases effectively opposing the greenhouse gas effect some even argue for the benefits of global warming which include for example the opening up of new shipping lanes in the artic as the ice recedes new oil drilling opportunities and longer harvest periods in canada and russia Mahendra master in current affairs buy.

 Mahendras monthly magazine

General knowledge refresher

 General knowledge refresher

General knowledge refresher covers all competitive exams published this article page no 11 our country is going to be dealing with the aftermath of katrina for a long time  there are other little things that we can do that will make a difference  conserve fuel  carpool to work  combine your errands or just stay home  turn off your air conditioning and turn off the lights  fossil fuels will be in short supply and every little bit helps  plus every dollar you dont spend on fuel is another dollar you could choose to donate to relief efforts give again later  many will give now but agencies like the red cross will tell you that after the situation leaves most peoples conscious thoughts the needs will still be great  make a commitment now to make another contribution later in the year  one way to do this is to reduce your holiday spending and earmarking the difference for katrina relief im sure there are many more things that you can do to help both yourself and others in the coming weeks  it matters less what you do than that you do something that is my urging to you  you can make a difference but only if you take action latest general knowledge buy.

 General knowledge refresher

Knowledge Quest Magazine

 Knowledge Quest Magazine

Knowledge Quest Magazine covers all general knowledge for class 1-8 published this article page no 12 drilling in the arctic national wildlife refuge (anwr) has become a controversial issue when republicans included the measure in a major defense bill according to democrats and moderate republicans the piece of legislation was embedded in a major defense bill that couldnt be turned down the total bill passed 306 voting for it and 106 against (house approves drilling 2005) the new defense bill will hopefully reduce the federal deficit by 40 billion over the next 5 years (house approves drilling 2005) in addition to deficit reduction some of the money will go for military supplies helping hurricane victims and subsidizing heat to those in poverty republicans feel that the measures are necessary if the white house fiscal obligations will again be on track in 1987 a report directed to congress indicated that there were 26 major oil fields in alaska (adams 1995) these oil fields could potentially supply 10 billion barrels pumped at 365 million barrels a year (cowen & doggett 2005) it would take over 27 years to remove all of the oil even though without doubt that the oil revenues would help the economy and the local alaskan population the necessity of protecting one of the uss largest natural reserves remains unresolved native peoples who are strapped for cash and rising oil prices which damper the nations economy are pitted against environmentalists who want to protect the multitudes of endangered species since humans love to consume and make little effort to conserve natural resources there must be a balance against damaging natural preserves further in an attempt to furnish peoples needs and protecting unspoiled land by keeping the area relatively untouched businesses and governments will be forced to upgrade their fuel efficiency reducing the nations dependence on natural resources by opening the anwr to only a small amount of oil mining instead of the full array of oil companies proposed by the government we can help push the nation into a stronger economic future that is less dependent than competing nations adams jacob (1995 june) arctic slope regional corporation barrow alaska knowledge questions in english buy.

 Knowledge Quest Magazine

Thursday, July 22, 2021

banking services chronicle books online

 banking services chronicle books online

banking services chronicle books online Published this article page no   DETROIT  George W. Bush doesnt like to play hurt but he has no choice. Every week now hes getting clobbered. His Nixonian administration can only struggle to stop the bleeding bandage the wounds and pray that the twin enemies of truth and time will stop. The Busheviks are in full retreat. Events largely of their own creation are overwhelming them. The selfinflicted assault is endless. The presidents brain his political genius good ole Turd Blossom himself Karl Rove is a desperate man crawling and begging as he tries to escape indictment on federal felony charges. Bush the cowboy president is all hat no horse Rove his ramrod is now all turd no blossom. Initially Rove lied to FBI agents about his role in identifying and outing CIA officer Valerie Plame. This week hell make his fourth visit to the grand jury trying to explain why he lied when he was first questioned about his role in exposing Plame. Publicly Rove denied he had any knowledge about the leak and White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan scoffed that it is a ridiculous suggestion to say Rove was in any way involved in the scandal. Lies. All lies. Rove along with Vice President Cheneys chief of staff Lewis Scooter Libby undertook that vindictive mission to please their bosses. Bush and Cheney cannot be indicted only impeached. Treason seems like a pretty good article of impeachment. They had motive and opportunity and unleashed their minions to commit the treachery. Plames husband former ambassador Joseph Wilson exposed a vital lie Bush and Cheney successfully used  that Saddam Hussein was shopping for enriched uranium in Niger. That false claim was essential in buttressing the lie that Saddam had a nuclear weapons program and gave Condoleezza Rice her memorable lieline We dont want the smoking gun to be a mushroom cloud. The Niger myth was no footnote in the BushCheney book of prewar fabrications. It was central to the whole campaign to dupe the American people into believing Iraq was an imminent threat and war was the only way George W. Bush could protect us. Its hard to imagine such supreme cynicism in an ostensibly free nation. But it is a measure of the vile people who sell such lies and when exposed they will stop at nothing to punish those who dare speak the truth. Larry Johnson a former CIA intelligence analyst and State Department counterterrorism expert was a colleague of Valerie Plames. He says she was courageous and dedicated and willing to assume all the risks of an officer under nonofficial cover. Her specialty was the priority issue of weapons of mass destruction. Johnson says that the real objective was not so much retaliation but rather to issue a stark warning to others privy to administration lies on the war not to speak out. Administration officials felt they needed to provide an object lesson of what truth tellers can expect in the way of swift retaliation. But those loyal to the lies are forever protected. Just ask former CIA director George Tenet. Congress requested that the agencys inspector general review the pre911 intelligence failures. That report concluded that Tenet and several others should undergo an accountability review of their job performance. banking services chronicle books online

banking services chronicle english book

banking services chronicle english book

banking services chronicle english book published this article Last week CIA Director Porter Goss said no way. After great consideration of this report and its conclusions I will not convene an accountability board to judge the performance of any individual CIA officers Goss proclaimed. Tenet who also claimed finding evidence of Saddam Husseins weapons of mass destruction would be a slamdunk is again protected escaping any accountably for the serial intelligence failures on his watch at the CIA. Goss is a former Republican congressman from Florida who did a brief stint with the CIA decades ago. He is thoroughly political and yet another shining example of Bushs fear of professionalism and reliance on hackocracy. Goss also said little if any of the inspector generals report would be made public saying this is not the time to reveal how intelligence is collected and analyzed. In fact now is the perfect time to do that so we know the mistakes and dont repeat them. Plames top priority  weapons intelligence work  made no difference to the Busheviks when it came time to use her to send the message that speaking the truth and exposing lies will be dealt with severely. Larry Johnson understands why Rove and Libby exposed Plame. Thus it was made abundantly clear to all including potential intelligence sources abroad that even when priorityone intelligence targets are involved Bush administration officials will not shrink from exposing such sources for petty political purpose. The harm to the CIA and its efforts to recruit spies willing to take risks to provide intelligence is immense Johnson says. The uraniumbuying hoax was developed around documents provided by a shady Italian spy to U.S. and British intelligence. The documents were forgeries and not very good ones at that. But they were good enough for Dick Cheney who wildly claimed he now had the smoking gun proving Saddams evil intentions. Cheney was so passionate about the Nigeruranium hoax Johnson believes he may have been involved in fostering the forged documents. Johnson smells a Cheney operation and says he does not rule out the possibility that he and his chief of staff Lewis Libby may have had a hand in commissioning the forgery as a way to come up with an intelligence report with mushroom cloud written all over it in order to deceive Congress into approving an unnecessary war. banking services chronicle english book

banking services chronicle maths

 banking services chronicle maths

banking services chronicle maths book published this articles  Mohamed ElBaradei director of the International Atomic Energy Agency investigated the Niger claim at the time and saw right through the hoax. The IAEA has concluded with the concurrence of outside experts that these documents which formed the basis for the reports of recent uranium transactions between Iraq and Niger are not in fact authentic ElBaradei said. Cheney and the other Busheviks despised ElBaradei for not buying the lie. They had his phone tapped looking for dirt and tried repeatedly to get him fired from his post. They failed. Last week the IAEA and ElBaradei won the Nobel Peace Prize. The Nobel committee praised ElBaradei for his work on nuclear nonproliferation noting At a time when disarmament efforts appear deadlocked where there is a danger that nuclear arms will spread both to state and terrorist groups and when nuclear power again appears to be playing an increasingly significant role IAEAs work is of incalculable importance. How delicious. Bush made a speech last Thursday which the White House billed as a major statement about Iraq and the war on terror. Bush who has actually made good speeches  at his first inaugural and at the National Cathedral following the 911 attacks  delivered a thoroughly awful one before the National Endowment for Democracy. He repeated the same old refrains about evil and the global campaign of freedom locked in deadly embrace with the global campaign of fear. He assured that in Iraq progress isnt easy but it is steady. He forgot to mention the daily death toll and how his experiment in nationbuilding is hard work. He wrapped every terrorist act of the last 20 years into a neat package pinning the dirty deeds on evil Islamic radicalism militant Jihadism or Islamofascism. Take your pick. Then he tried to make a ridiculous parallel between the murderous ideology of the Islamic radicals and communism. Like the commies Bush argued our new enemies are pursuing totalitarian aims and have endless ambitions of imperial domination seeking to make everyone powerless except themselves. Bush wants us to imagine bin Laden is Stalin and alQaeda is the Soviet army. Such pure crap. The Soviets had the biggest army on earth and a huge arsenal of nukes to go with it. Our courageous war president promises to lead the Christian armies to triumph declaring We will never back down never give in and never accept anything less than complete victory. What does victory mean Getting the lights on in Baghdad The garbage picked up An end to the daily violence that our army of occupation will never be able to stop Bush made several references to Osama bin Laden an interesting shift since mentioning his name was verboten on the campaign trail a year ago. The president got personal in an unrealized selfreflective way. banking services chronicle maths book

Monday, July 12, 2021

pratiyogita darpan agriculture

 pratiyogita darpan agriculture

pratiyogita darpan agriculture  Published this article page no  What is the definition of divorce? You may very well get the legal termination of a marital contract. But what they don’t include is that the entire proceedings may go on for months on an end (6-18 months). They don’t describe how children involved can make divorce feel like it’s going on ‘forever.’ Divorce is not just a termination. It’s a beginning.</b> Maybe your friends of the family or people at work will be going through its own set of changes as you face others with your new civil status. Divorce may be defined as a termination but it is the start of new beginnings and the introduction of a number of changes in both you and your children’s lives. Is divorce for you?</b> Before that, if you are reading this and are in the process of considering divorce, take a moment to think about several assertions. If you believe that you can accept the following assertions as true in your marital relationship, give the idea of divorcing your mate a second thought.

•             I believe I still have love for my mate.

•             I am prepared to seek counseling or marital therapy for the sake of the relationship.

 •            I want to transform for the better.

 •            I value openness and truthfulness in my relationship with my mate.

•             It doesn’t matter who’s right or wrong, what matters is that I am willing to    seek forgiveness or forgive when needed. However, if you cannot see yourself in the mentioned assertions, read on to gain a basic understanding of divorce. There have been misunderstandings as to how divorce and annulment differ. As mentioned, divorce is a termination of the marriage contract. Annulment, on the other hand, deems the marriage null and void, as if one were never married in the first place. In certain areas where divorce has stigma attached to it due to the country’s dominant religious belief, annulment is more popular. The Popularity of divorce</b> Most developed countries, despite certain religious stigma, divorce is widely acceptable. The popularity of divorce in developed countries has been on the up rise since the 20th century. Countries like the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, and South Korea, have all been affected by this popularity of divorce. However, in the Philippines and Malta, divorce is illegal. Even if divorce is legal in Japan, the country has been able to maintain a distinctly low divorce ratio. Because of the Catholic Church’s influence, a number of countries in Europe have banned divorce. As a result, people in these locations seek out other areas in order to get divorced. pratiyogita darpan agriculture

pratiyogita darpan book

 pratiyogita darpan book

pratiyogita darpan book  Published this article page no  Divorce is an emotionally devastating time for children.  Follow these simple and commonsense guidelines to protect your children during divorce. Divorce is certainly an emotional time for families. In fact, it ranks as one of the most stressful experiences in life. However, it is not only the adults who experience this stress. If the adults are parents, their children often suffer greatly. Their suffering can not be entirely eliminated. A certain amount of grief at the 'death' of their parents' relationship is to be expected. Nevertheless, while the adults are going through typically arduous legal wrangling it is important for them to remember the needs of their children and put them first. Deciding to cooperate for their sake will help to protect the children's emotional well being by maintaining their sense of security and need for unconditional love. Marital breakdown is difficult for everyone - especially children. There are several ways in which loving, responsible parents can cooperate for the good of their children. Even though the marriage may have broken down, the parental relationship is 'till death do us part'. Child and youth counselors emphasize that children need lasting relationships with both parents. More often than not joint custody is granted because of this accepted understanding. Ideally, the relationship of the parents should be business-like and cooperative for the sake of the children. Children should not witness hostility between their parents and should not hear negative statements about either parent. It is recommended that parents commit to regularly scheduled meetings, in a neutral location for the purpose of discussing child-related issues. Education, medical, religious and moral issues that concern the children's well- being need to be dealt with by both parents. If emotions prohibit calm conversation, there are often family justice counselors available in the community to facilitate these important meetings. Children going through the divorce of their parents usually have many questions and worries. Compassionate responses are required and it certainly takes mature parents in order to put aside their own issues and help their children gain some understanding about a situation over which they have no control. Unfortunately, many children experience guilt and often blame themselves for the marital breakup of their parents. Counseling - whether group or individual - can be an effective way to lessen this destructive burden. The objectivity of the counselor may help the child open up and share his/her feelings. As children mature, their questions will differ so the issue of their parents' divorce is never really over. A commitment on behalf of both parents to open communication with the children will reassure them greatly. pratiyogita darpan book