competition wizard magazine

competition wizard magazine
competition wizard magazine

Thursday, July 22, 2021

banking services chronicle english book

banking services chronicle english book

banking services chronicle english book published this article Last week CIA Director Porter Goss said no way. After great consideration of this report and its conclusions I will not convene an accountability board to judge the performance of any individual CIA officers Goss proclaimed. Tenet who also claimed finding evidence of Saddam Husseins weapons of mass destruction would be a slamdunk is again protected escaping any accountably for the serial intelligence failures on his watch at the CIA. Goss is a former Republican congressman from Florida who did a brief stint with the CIA decades ago. He is thoroughly political and yet another shining example of Bushs fear of professionalism and reliance on hackocracy. Goss also said little if any of the inspector generals report would be made public saying this is not the time to reveal how intelligence is collected and analyzed. In fact now is the perfect time to do that so we know the mistakes and dont repeat them. Plames top priority  weapons intelligence work  made no difference to the Busheviks when it came time to use her to send the message that speaking the truth and exposing lies will be dealt with severely. Larry Johnson understands why Rove and Libby exposed Plame. Thus it was made abundantly clear to all including potential intelligence sources abroad that even when priorityone intelligence targets are involved Bush administration officials will not shrink from exposing such sources for petty political purpose. The harm to the CIA and its efforts to recruit spies willing to take risks to provide intelligence is immense Johnson says. The uraniumbuying hoax was developed around documents provided by a shady Italian spy to U.S. and British intelligence. The documents were forgeries and not very good ones at that. But they were good enough for Dick Cheney who wildly claimed he now had the smoking gun proving Saddams evil intentions. Cheney was so passionate about the Nigeruranium hoax Johnson believes he may have been involved in fostering the forged documents. Johnson smells a Cheney operation and says he does not rule out the possibility that he and his chief of staff Lewis Libby may have had a hand in commissioning the forgery as a way to come up with an intelligence report with mushroom cloud written all over it in order to deceive Congress into approving an unnecessary war. banking services chronicle english book

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