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Thursday, July 22, 2021

banking services chronicle books online

 banking services chronicle books online

banking services chronicle books online Published this article page no   DETROIT  George W. Bush doesnt like to play hurt but he has no choice. Every week now hes getting clobbered. His Nixonian administration can only struggle to stop the bleeding bandage the wounds and pray that the twin enemies of truth and time will stop. The Busheviks are in full retreat. Events largely of their own creation are overwhelming them. The selfinflicted assault is endless. The presidents brain his political genius good ole Turd Blossom himself Karl Rove is a desperate man crawling and begging as he tries to escape indictment on federal felony charges. Bush the cowboy president is all hat no horse Rove his ramrod is now all turd no blossom. Initially Rove lied to FBI agents about his role in identifying and outing CIA officer Valerie Plame. This week hell make his fourth visit to the grand jury trying to explain why he lied when he was first questioned about his role in exposing Plame. Publicly Rove denied he had any knowledge about the leak and White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan scoffed that it is a ridiculous suggestion to say Rove was in any way involved in the scandal. Lies. All lies. Rove along with Vice President Cheneys chief of staff Lewis Scooter Libby undertook that vindictive mission to please their bosses. Bush and Cheney cannot be indicted only impeached. Treason seems like a pretty good article of impeachment. They had motive and opportunity and unleashed their minions to commit the treachery. Plames husband former ambassador Joseph Wilson exposed a vital lie Bush and Cheney successfully used  that Saddam Hussein was shopping for enriched uranium in Niger. That false claim was essential in buttressing the lie that Saddam had a nuclear weapons program and gave Condoleezza Rice her memorable lieline We dont want the smoking gun to be a mushroom cloud. The Niger myth was no footnote in the BushCheney book of prewar fabrications. It was central to the whole campaign to dupe the American people into believing Iraq was an imminent threat and war was the only way George W. Bush could protect us. Its hard to imagine such supreme cynicism in an ostensibly free nation. But it is a measure of the vile people who sell such lies and when exposed they will stop at nothing to punish those who dare speak the truth. Larry Johnson a former CIA intelligence analyst and State Department counterterrorism expert was a colleague of Valerie Plames. He says she was courageous and dedicated and willing to assume all the risks of an officer under nonofficial cover. Her specialty was the priority issue of weapons of mass destruction. Johnson says that the real objective was not so much retaliation but rather to issue a stark warning to others privy to administration lies on the war not to speak out. Administration officials felt they needed to provide an object lesson of what truth tellers can expect in the way of swift retaliation. But those loyal to the lies are forever protected. Just ask former CIA director George Tenet. Congress requested that the agencys inspector general review the pre911 intelligence failures. That report concluded that Tenet and several others should undergo an accountability review of their job performance. banking services chronicle books online

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