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competition wizard magazine

Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Banking service chronicle

Banking service chronicle

Banking service chronicle Monthly Magazine by bsc academy-subscribe Published this article page no 176  Okay, time to move on to the happy cows. There is absolutely nothing wrong with a happy cow. Us happy rhinos need all the happy cows we can get. Everyone has their own idea of success and not everyone wants to be a rhino at all. They dont want to go go go or drive drive drive.A happy cow is one who is happy working for a happy rhino. They love to help their boss succeed as long as they are treated well. The happy cow wont work for a sad rhino for too long. They just want a good life, a good family, and a good job.Some of them can have moderately successful home businesses, working for themselves even. They wont have the same success as the rhinos, but they are not after that, They are happy with a little less and just want to enjoy life. They do not get all of their happiness from chasing success, like the rhino does.Now lets talk about the sad cows. They stand around chewing their cud, not doing very much, kind of biding their time. Then they lower their head and go right back to grazing, not doing anything to change their lot in life, accepting whatever is given to them. They grumble that anyone who is successful, the sad and happy rhinos and even the happy cows, are just lucky and they cant seem to get a break banking service chronicle monthly magazine buy.

Banking service chronicle

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