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Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Banking service chronicle

Banking service chronicle

Banking service chronicle Monthly Magazine by bsc academy-subscribe Published this article page no 177 Admit it. You know at least one sad cow. Do you like being around the sad cow? Are you the sad cow? If you are or have a friend who is the sad cow, I give the following advice for sad cows.Stop thinking everyone else is just lucky. Stop blaming other people for your own mistakes and laziness. Sit down and truthfully list your bad habits. If you need a trusted friend or family member to help you, get them to help you do this. But you have to admit these mistakes and bad habits from the heart and immediately begin to change them one by one. Youll be amazed at how fast you will become a happier cow, then maybe even a happy rhino if you want it bad enough.Now my advice for all you sad rhinos out there. Its great that you are succeeding in your home or other business.Get a clue. Succeeding in business is great. Succeeding in life is way more important though. Stop yelling. Know when enough is enough. Quit being a bully. Quit taking advantage of people. Quit taking people for granted. You think they will always be there to do your bidding and if they arent, well you didnt need them anyway banking service chronicle monthly magazine buy.

Banking service chronicle

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