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competition wizard magazine
competition wizard magazine

Friday, September 10, 2021

Banking service chronicle

 Banking service chronicle

Banking service chronicle Monthly Magazine by bsc academy-subscribe published this is article page no 60 just when you think it cant get any worse it has gotten worse. since george w. bush decided (illegally) to launch a war against a country and its civilians under the guise of fighting terrorists the american people have learned one thing might makes right. our children are taught to reason and compromise rather than fight. now they are being taught that if you want your way all you have to do is lie mislead and fight for it if you must. what a terrible lesson. and how much more violence will it bring to america where we already lead the world by a hundredfold in murders and violent crimes? look what our american government has created. after the horrific bombings of 911 america waited and did not retaliate for a year and a half. but then bush decided he wanted to rid terrorism from the world. france germany and russia knew it was impossible. they knew that going into iraq and afghanistan was a mistake that would lead to even more terrorism. the bush administration is sending thousands of our children to their deaths even though they know that hate begets more hate retaliation begets more retaliation. the escalation of our vengeance of our presidents decision to make the world live our way of life has spread throughout the globe. chaos and fear and the death of innocents has been the result. as leader of the free world america should have responded to 911 by being diplomatic not dishonest. rather than fighting these wars weakening us financially at home we would instead have the respect and assistance of our allies if we had led through example. george bushs determination to turn the world into a democracy is anything but democratic. live and let live is the american way of life. the muslim world of which 99.9% are law-abiding loving people have only known one way of living for thousands of years banking service chronicle monthly magazine.

 Banking service chronicle

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