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competition wizard magazine
competition wizard magazine

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Master in current affairs English

 Master in current affairs English

Master in current affairs English published by Mahendra Guru published this article page no 17 vietnam was one of the bloodiest wars that we have ever been apart of.  also it was a very unpopular war in the u.s. with millions of people protesting daily.  the wonderful thing about america is that we have the freedom to protest a war.  however we must not forget the troops that are fighting in that war. one thing in our history that i am very ashamed of is the fact that when the troops from vietnam returned to america people did not show their appreciation.  in fact many people actually taunted the troops and made them feel bad for fighting in the war.  we should not have done this because the troops did not have a choice whether to fight in the war or not.  many of the troops were drafted and if they did not fight they would have been put in jail.  we should have given the soldiers a parade and cheered for them when they returned gk questions current affairs buy.

 Master in current affairs English

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