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competition wizard magazine

Friday, September 10, 2021

Banking service chronicle

 Banking service chronicle

Banking service chronicle Monthly Magazine by bsc academy-subscribe published this is article page no 51 he has no problem with that if he the president continues to believe in the righteousness of his actions and for the moment he does. the president has been constantly underestimated by his opponents. you dont win two national elections and one congressional election in between by being a fool. bob gates is going to change things at the defense department and change them quick. do not for one moment believe that rumsfeld was wrong on everything he did thats nonsense. he did get four big things terribly wrong. one he underestimated the post iraq war need for us troop levels. it takes more troops to govern a country and quell discontent than to invade and take over. two he did acquiesce or instigate the destruction of the iraqi army. that army could have been utilized to re-build and govern post-war iraq. we simply had to pay them a sum of money equal to a fraction of what we are paying halliburton for a failed us policy. thirdly he participated in or instigated the firing of the sunnis who ran the iraqi government before finding competent replacements to replace those fired. they knew how to turn the electricity on and keep the machinery of government functioning. even general patton at the tail end of ww ii used nazi bureaucrats until he could train his own bureaucrats. fourthly the iraqi police were fired and then new people had to be found vetted and trained – 3 years have elapsed. what does it mean? we will never know if democracy would have had a chance to flourish in iraq. it is too late too much time has been wasted to wait for that to happen. the presidents team and therefore the president failed in the execution of a policy that could have worked had it been implemented properly perhaps we will never know. the american people have now lost patience in waiting for this president to correct his own mistakes – and forced change upon him via an election. robert gates is his first response. james baker and the iraq study group in the next couple of weeks will be his second response. watch for changes in the defense department as soon as gates is approved by the senate. does he fire the neo-cons one after another? if he does you know we are on our way to a new policy banking service chronicle monthly magazine.

 Banking service chronicle

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