competition wizard magazine

competition wizard magazine
competition wizard magazine

Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Meri saheli magazine yearly subscription

 Meri saheli magazine yearly subscription

Meri saheli magazine yearly subscription published this article page no 5 a well informed source in the israeli intelligence community who cannot be identified says the israeli air force raids following the july 12 hezbollah attack on an idf border patrol were aimed first of all at hezbollahs strategic weapons secret locations. the source added that this initial goal did not include ordinary short and medium range rockets but was specifically aimed against the heavier weapon systems supplied by iran with the zalzal rockets topping the list. our first aim was to neutralize the heavy ones and their launching systems since we had solid information the hezbollah had a plan to use chemical war heads. information the israeli intelligence had regarding chemical weapons in hezbollah hands was validated by friendly intelligence organizations including a recent dia memo. the source also said the iranian manufacturers together with their syrian allies toyed with the idea of testing their cw by letting the hezbollah launch them on a limited scale while they would remain in the shadows in an attempt to wash their hands of such an attack when as could be expected the world community would react with an outcry of fierce criticism Meri saheli magazine price.

 Meri saheli magazine yearly subscription

Meri saheli magazine yearly subscription

 Meri saheli magazine yearly subscription

Meri saheli magazine yearly subscription published this article page no 4 he won the pulitzer prize in 1953 for his tome the spirit of saint louis and died in 1974 in hawaii. the kidnapping and gruesome murder of his son prompted lawmakers to pass the lindbergh act in 1932. the encarta the statute made it a federal crime punishable by life imprisonment to kidnap a person and transport that person to another state. this law was amended in 1934 making conspiracy to commit a kidnapping also a federal crime. in 1968 the u.s. supreme court invalidated that section of the lindbergh act that gave the jury the power to recommend the death penalty for kidnapping Meri saheli magazine price.

 Meri saheli magazine yearly subscription

Meri saheli magazine yearly subscription

 Meri saheli magazine yearly subscription

Meri saheli magazine yearly subscription published this article page no 3 charles augustus lindbergh was the first person to cross the atlantic in a nonstop flight. this made him an instant celebrity. when in 1932 his 19-months old son was kidnapped and murdered the nation was appalled. finally a german carpenter bruno richard hauptmann was apprehended and following a much-publicized trial executed. the police chief who arrested bruno richard hauptmann was the father of norman schwarzkopf commander of the american forces in the gulf war in 1991. the affair had many repercussions both personal and national. the lindberghs revolted by the medias unrelenting prying moved to live in europe in 1935. lindbergh became a fan of adolf hitler and in 1938 received from him a decoration for having praised the german luftwaffe as superior to all other air forces. in 1939 upon his return to the usa lindbergh embarked on a cross-country tour of antiwar and pro-nazi speeches. consequently he was ousted from the air corps reserve and the national advisory committee for aeronautics. still when war broke out lindbergh served as a civilian consultant to aircraft manufacturers. later the us army sent him on clandestine missions to the pacific and europe. but he never regained his stature in the eyes of the american public Meri saheli magazine price.

 Meri saheli magazine yearly subscription

Sunday, August 29, 2021

Junior science refresher magazine

 Junior science refresher magazine

Junior science refresher magazine published this article page no 17 similarly the socialist party held a celebration in honor of the working class on may 1st a date that became known as may day. it was celebrated by both socialists and communists thus in the united states the first monday in september was selected in order to disassociate itself from any identification with communism. toward the end of the last decade of the 1800s labor organizations to lobby state legislatures to observe labor day as an official state holiday. in 1887 the first states declared it a state holiday oregon colorado new york massachusetts and new jersey bright group of publications junior science refresher.

 Junior science refresher magazine

Junior science refresher magazine

 Junior science refresher magazine

Junior science refresher magazine published this article page no 16 from its original conception as a labor union celebration it has grown to be symbolic of the end of summer activities. it began in 1882 in new york as a parade by the knights of columbus to give credit for the contributions to new york life of working class citizens. in 1884 a large parade organized by the knights to celebrate the working class. the first monday in september was chosen for the date of the parade and the knights decided to hold all future parades on that day. from then on the knights designated the first monday in september as labor day bright group ofpublications junior science refresher.

 Junior science refresher magazine

Junior science refresher magazine

 Junior science refresher magazine

Junior science refresher magazine published this article page no 15 efforts are being made to curb the new zealand mud snail invasion. lets hope the trout have more luck than the moa. if someone were to ask you the question what is labor day? could you really answer it? i doubt many of us really know anything about the holiday other than the fact that it is the first monday in september and is the official end of summer. it used to signal the beginning of the new school year but with more schools returning to classes in middle or late august that is no longer the case though the beaches and other summer activities continue throughout labor day weekend. the tradition of celebrating labor day as a national holiday is over one hundred years old bright group of publications junior science refresher.

 Junior science refresher magazine

Saturday, August 28, 2021

Banking service chronicle

 Banking service chronicle

Banking service chronicle Monthly Magazine by bsc academy-subscribe published this article page no 38 very rarely are we given the opportunity as citizens to participate in a revolution. the citizens that founded our republic participated in a revolution that has affected every corner of the earth for more than 200 years now. our grandfathers and fathers participated in a revolution during world war ii when we successfully ridded the world of adolph hitler and his technology of death that was sweeping civilization. finally we all participated in a quiet revolution when communism fell to its knees a little more than a decade ago and went out with a whimper. it didnt have to be that way. millions could have died in eastern europe and in the ussr itself banking service chronicle monthly magazine.

 Banking service chronicle

junior science refresher subscription form

 junior science refresher subscription form

junior science refresher subscription form published this article page no 2 this mission was considered to be vital to the success of the invasion as it would allow the seaborne forces to reinforce the br 6 ab divs area and subsequently break out to the east.  d company the 2nd oxfordshire and buckinghamshire light infantry (d coy 2 obli) commanded by major john howard was selected to carryout this mission and this is their story on the morning of 5 june 1944 the men of d coy 2 obli started their final preparations and at noon maj howard learned that the invasion was on.  he ordered the men to rest and when the evening meal was over they boarded the trucks to go to their gliders.  as they climbed into their gliders he shook hands with the officers and called out words of encouragement to the men.  finally he moved to his own glider upon the nose of which pte wally parr had chalked lady irene to name it after his wife junior science refresher magazine pdf download. 

 junior science refresher subscription form

Junior Science Refresher

 Junior Science Refresher 

Junior Science Refresher this is science magazine in india published this article page no 1 on the 6 june 1944 the greatest seaborne invasion the world has ever known took place on the calvados coast of normandy france.  this invasion was the beginning of the end of the second world war and the 6 june 1944 will be forever known as d-day.  this article is an account of the first action that took place on d-day at the caen canal and river orne bridges near bénouville france.  it tells the true story of the coup-de-main assault by british gliderborne soldiers to capture these two vital bridges preceding the seaborne landings three allied airborne divisions were dropped to secure the flanks of the five-invasion beaches where the allied 21st army group was to come ashore.  in the west two us airborne divisions dropped onto the cotentin peninsula behind utah beach and in the east the british 6th airborne division (br 6 ab div) dropped into the area between the river orne and river dives to the east of sword beach one of the primary tasks of the br 6 ab div was to seize intact the two bridges over the caen canal and river orne near bénouville and hold them until relieved against any german counterattacks junior science refresher magazine buy.

 Junior Science Refresher 

Junior Science Refresher

 Junior Science Refresher

Junior Science Refresher this is science magazine in india published this article page no 6 all of a sudden there was an almighty crash and the glider came to a jarring halt jim wallwork and john ainsworth were hurled out through the cockpit still strapped in their seats.  it was 00.16 hrs early in the morning of d-day 6 june 1944 and the first allied soldiers had arrived on french soil the gliders passengers were momentarily knocked unconscious but maj howards fanaticism for physical fitness paid off they quickly recovered and in a matter of seconds their training kicked in.  automatically removing their harnesses they exited the glider through any hole they could make or find.  on reaching the outside maj howard realised that there was no shooting and they had landed without being spotted.  looking around he thanked god for jim wallwork and john ainsworth they had put the glider right into the corner of the field where he wanted it lt herbert denham den brotheridge and the men of 25 platoon swiftly exited the glider and quietly shook out into their assault formation junior science refresher magazine. 

 Junior Science Refresher

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Banking service chronicle Monthly Magazine

 Banking service chronicle Monthly Magazine

Banking servicechronicle Monthly Magazine by bsc academy-subscribe published this article page no 8  with 14000 of the homicides each year being committed without guns (11000 with) we must look at the bigger picture. we must build more maximum-security prisons. enough so that everyone convicted of first-degree homicide or of a felony three times is sent there for the rest of their life without any chance of parole. (there is no reason to spend millions of dollars on each death row prisoners appeals that last ten years or longer when it has been proven not to be a deterrent and when housing them is substantially much less expensive.) within a federal partnership with select american manufacturing companies these companies for the work they would be required to do would pay these prisoners minimum wage. the product they create would then be infused into mainstream american commerce banking service chronicle monthly magazine buy.

 Banking service chronicle Monthly Magazine

Banking service chronicle Monthly Magazine

 Banking service chronicle Monthly Magazine

Banking servicechronicle Monthly Magazine by bsc academy-subscribe published this article page no 9  in return for these jobs the prisoners would pay the government for their room and board and any security medical and utility fees. if the prisoner has any dependents their paycheck would reflect that deduction. cut off from society these prisons would be a society of their own. away from us forever. crime control rather than a gun control is a stricter and more effective deterrent than the failed alternatives. it would not just deter murder with guns it would deter murder with any type of weapon as well as rape aggravated assault - all felonies. it would reduce crime and get these criminals off americas streets once and for all saving the american taxpayer substantially in law enforcement money that will instead be used to build and staff these new prisons. our safety is what we have to take care of - what we must take care of - before we do anything else. we owe it to our children. we teach our children to have pride in america. we teach our children safety first banking service chronicle monthly magazine buy.

 Banking service chronicle Monthly Magazine

Banking service chronicle

 Banking service chronicle

Banking servicechronicle Monthly Magazine by bsc academy-subscribe published this article page no 10 we teach our children about good and evil right versus wrong. what must our children be thinking when they see murder after murder on the news and walking the streets with the fear of a drive by shooting or of being abducted we are raising a society born of fear and mistrust. this is why we need a stricter crime bill. this is why we must - we have no other choice - take back our country from these criminals. yes americans should be able to have handguns in their home for protection as long as it is responsibly locked up and away from children. yes americans should be able to have rifles to hunt for food. however these are still weapons of destruction and they must be registered with personal background checks. there is absolutely no need or reason for any person other than law enforcement and the military to have assault weapons that are aimed to violently kill masses of people banking service chronicle monthly magazine buy.

 Banking service chronicle

Apcob Assistant Managers Exam pattern

 Apcob Assistant Managers Exam pattern

Apcob Assistant Managers Exam pattern 1. Zero Wages – A new addition to the list, the zero wages scam is designed to create a log jam in the system. A taxpayer is supposed to file a tax return with no wages claimed and notice of challenges to any W-2 or 1099 wage reports. In essence, the idea is to not pay taxes while the IRS tries to figure out what is going on. Ultimately, the goal is to get the IRS to accept a zero income tax return, which of course requires no payment of taxes. apcob exam syllabus  2. Form 843 Tax Abatement – The tax abatement strategy is very creative. It is typically used for taxpayers who have failed to file taxes for a few years. In such a situation, the IRS will often assess taxes to the individual based on a variety of factors. The strategy is to abate this assessment and pay not tax by challenging the assessed amount as being calculated incorrectly. The IRS says it doesn’t fly, but it is a very creative strategy. apcob exam previous papers  3. Identity Theft/Phishing. This isn’t so much a tax reduction scam as a nightmare wherein identity thieves try to obtain information from taxpayers by acting as IRS agents. Often they send out email as though they are from the IRS.  The IRS never sends emails to taxpayers, so don’t respond to these emails. If you’re not sure, call the IRS and ask them if there is a problem. You can reach the IRS at 800-829-1040. 4 Credit Repair Companies – You see these companies everywhere. apcob exam model papers Some are legitimate while others are not. The ones that are not charge high fees and do almost nothing other than putting taxpayers on some kind of a payment plan. The IRS is currently revoking the tax-exempt status of many credit repair companies.   5. Offshore Strategies – A traditional area of angst for the IRS, offshore strategies continue to be closely watched. The IRS is hyper sensitive to such strategies and tries to shut them down. In 2005, 68 individuals were charged and convicted for promotion offshore tax scams and thousands of taxpayers were audited with nightmarish results. apcob online exam model papers  If you want to go offshore, make sure you get qualified advice from a tax professional and attorney. Don’t buy something off a web site. There is a fine line between tax evasion and tax avoidance. Tax avoidance is legal while tax evasion is criminal. If you wish to pursue advanced tax planning, make sure you do so with the advice of a tax professional that is going to defend the strategy to the IRS apcob previous exam papers for manager.

 Apcob Assistant Managers Exam pattern

Apcob assistant manager exam pattern

 Apcob assistant manager exam pattern

2006 List of Tax Scams Released by IRS

Apcob Assistant Managers Exam pattern 2006 Scams The IRS has kicked out its annual list of highly dubious tax scams for 2006. Promoters often make these strategies sound credible, but they simply aren’t. apcob exam syllabus If a taxpayer attempts to use one of the scams, the IRS will audit and aggressively attack the taxpayer as well as try to identify the promoter for prosecution. apcob exam previous papers The 2006 list of scams contains most of the traditional claims. There are, however, three new areas being targeted by the IRS. They and a few others are highlighted in the following list. apcob exam model papers Two new schemes have worked their way onto the list in 2006. In recent months IRS personnel have noted the emergence of the two scams––“zero wages” and “Form 843 tax abatement”–– in which filers use IRS forms to claim that their tax bills have been wrongly inflated. Also high on the list in 2006 is “phishing,” a favorite ploy of identity thieves. apcob online exam model papers Over the past few years, the IRS has observed criminals working through the Internet, posing even as representatives of the IRS itself, with the goal of tricking unsuspecting taxpayers into revealing private information that can be used to steal from their financial accounts apcob previous exam papers for manager.

 Apcob assistant manager exam pattern

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Shine india monthly magazine

 Shine india monthly magazine

Shine india monthlymagazine published this article page no  12 if the president isnt moving fast enough the people will elect others who will? our current troops should be used only to train iraqi forces both police and military and not act as combatants in a country whose government we already defeated. if the president finds it mandatory to deploy additional troops again these additional forces should only be used to train iraqi forces not to intervene. this is no civil war with moslem pitted against moslem and sect against sect. this is not about catholic versus protestant or jew versus arab. this is all taking place within the context of the same religion. it is even taking place within the same sects. sunni is also killing sunni and shia is killing shia. we could never hope to be able to intervene against such wanton killing. we are after all a democracy the beacon of light in world where there is much darkness. our continued efforts in iraq may weaken this country so much more that it could result in potentially nuclear iran creating the regional hegemony that we tried to prevent iraq from creating shine india monthly magazine telugu.

 Shine india monthly magazine

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Pratiyogita kiran English

 Pratiyogita kiran English

Pratiyogita kiranEnglish by kiran prakashan delhi published this article page no 8 application software typically automates only departmental business processes. oracle e-business suite is different; it automates all parts of your business. from developing marketing selling ordering planning procuring manufacturing fulfilling servicing and maintaining to handling finance human resources and project management—oracle e-business suite provides a comprehensive and integrated offering. in the past you had to choose between an integrated suite and best of breed for rich functionality. with oracle you can now have an integrated suite built on unified information architecture—with the functionality you need in each individual application. these applications connect business processes within and across departmental geographical and line-of-business domains. with oracle e-business suites depth of product functionality and breadth of product offering you can take your business further by automating processes across the enterprise pratiyogita kiran monthly magazinefree download.

 Pratiyogita kiran English

Junior Science Refresher

 Junior Science Refresher

Junior ScienceRefresher this is science magazine in india published this article page no 11 given below is a brief overview of both the products from sap – sap r/3 and mysap. sap r/3 overview sap r/3 is saps integrated software solution for client/server and distributed open systems. saps r/3 is the worlds most-used standard business software for client/server computing. r/3 meets the needs of a customer from the small grocer with 3 users to the multi-billion dollar companies the software is highly customizable using saps proprietary programming language abap/4. r/3 is scalable and highly suited for many types and sizes of organizations. the r/3 architecture is comprised of application and database servers. the application servers house the software and the database servers handle document updates and master file databases. the system can support an unlimited number of servers and a variety of hardware configurations. for more information see sap r/3 architecture at sap home page. sap r/3 is based on various hardware and software architectures running on most types of unix on windows nt and os/400. sap r/3 runs on several databases oracle adabas d informix db2 for unix db2/400 and microsofts sql server 6.0. since r/3 foundation sap has made significant development and installed thousands of r/3 systems. for more visualization and complete oracle apps 11i tutorials visit http// junior science refresher magazine buy.

 Junior Science Refresher

Monday, August 9, 2021

junior science refresher

 junior science refresher

junior science refresher published this article page no 14 high altitude sickness is caused when the thinner air where there is less oxygen in the atmosphere causes the amount of oxygen in the bloodstream to decrease causing headaches nausea and a host of other symptoms. for someone like holliday who suffered from a severe and advanced lung disease that already interfered with his ability to breath colorados high altitude was torturous. with his health worsening daily he decided to seek treatment in glenwood springs colorado a town famous for the healing waters of its natural hot-springs and vaporous caves. visiting the hot-springs was the worst possible course of action for the tubercular holliday bright group of publications junior science refresher.

 junior science refresher

Shine india monthly magazine

 Shine india monthly magazine

Shine india monthlymagazine published this article page no 2 a secret broadcast came around which showed that venezuela and iran were behind the move to change how oil is priced into another currency. venezuelan representative angelas de morais stated the weakness of the dollar is affecting us all and but thats a global-scale problem. its not for an individual organization to tackle. he was referring to saudis insistence on keeping the american dollar. saudi arabia doesnt want to see the american dollar collapse as much of its economy is based on the american dollar. they have hundreds of billions of dollars invested within the united states and removing the dollar as the oil pricing standard may make it decline further which is likely to hurt saudi arabia further. the dollar has declined significantly over the past few years. this decline is up to 15% against the euro in the past 12 months alone. as the dollar deflates american buy less products from overseas which hurts our allies and business partners. in addition the decline in the dollar reduces the value of investments made by foreign countries in the euro. when countries purchase american dollars or make investments in american dollars they can find that the dollar is deflating which means they are losing money on their investment shine india monthly magazine telugu buy.

 Shine india monthly magazine

Thursday, August 5, 2021

banking services chronicle may 2021

 banking services chronicle may 2021

banking services chronicle may 2021  Published this article page no  Copyright 2006 Pauline Houle In some foreign cultures not so long ago women entering into adulterous behaviour had their nose cut off so the rest of the female community would know what to expect if they broke their bond with their husband. Other cultures still to this day disfigure their women if they even lay eyes on another man and thus dishonour the family or the clan. Centuries ago women were burnt as the witch-hunt we all have heard about used to be the usual and customary. Fire was purifier of evil. Yes women (and some men) have seen and lived the full spectrum of tortures and overpowering attitudes common to the ancient and non-evolved patriarchal society.  So it was then.   As a woman I am part of a gender that was influenced forever as a result of those behaviours. Womens lib is a reaction a rebellion that was over due. However I believe in some cases some of us have let it go way too far. Time has come for the pendulum to swing back not only to a path of having rights and privileges but mainly to a very profound sense of responsibility about the consequences of our actions. Higher conscience always comes at the price of becoming responsible and accountable. Justice and equality always require one to be responsible for ones own actions. Lately the medical world through its great scientific discoveries and its newest findings have unravelled a myriad of possibilities for cures of all sorts. Amongst those findings the almost "bullet proof" reliability of DNA testing has helped conquer numerous deadly diseases and solve many crimes. On the other hand all those wonderful discoveries have presented a key to unlock a secret that some women thought safe forever. Lets explore that new reality. As a therapist and a long time researcher in human behaviour it appears a growing number of people explore extra-marital sexual encounters in their life it seems to have become the "soup du jour". If an affair results in pregnancy the woman can go for an abortion that is a decision she can make and that is the end of it. But on the other hand if after having the affair she decides to keep the baby and pass it along for her husbands child no one will dispute it unless she opens up the secret or else the husband starts to have a suspicion and goes to the lab with a simple swab of saliva from the baby comparing it to his in order to discover the truth. If the husband has any doubt about his paternity as we speak he has 6 months after birth to contest paternity once that time elapsed he is stuck to act react be accountable and responsible for that child.   Lets look at the usual reactions from the courtroom in our so-called modern society. Forget wandering eyes and adultery! Thats nothing! As I write these lines in many states and countries a wife can bear children of a man (or men) not her husband and what happens next is at her command!   She can divorce kick him out of “his family and his home. She can then collect exorbitant spousal maintenance and child support to spend without accountability she can secure a guaranteed college education for each child she can also collect half the marital assets to top it off she will have deprived the father of his right to have his own genetic children. How does our culture deal with her? She gets rewarded! To this day in spite of the growing numbers of false paternity cases the courts will close their eyes to the entire situation with the excuse of the “best interest of the children. The children for their own good will be left with the likes of this woman to be raised. And the man left on his own to mail cheques… Some years ago JAMA  found that 20% of their genetic testing resulted in finding the father was not the biological father! Since early 2000 that number has jumped to 30% in the States. Over the past 6 years I started to research and try to understand that phenomenon. I have gathered many testimonies from men over the world that have been through such an ordeal of finding out one or more of their children were not from them. They are frustrated sad and angry. They feel “raped and violated to no end and the court adds to the insult by forcing them to pay the bill. Not much has been done so far to rectify this situation. In some location steps have been taken as in the state of Georgia in May of 2001 following the constant efforts of Carnell Smith and his group of men who also have been victims of identical facts. They finally saw a new law born. “From then on a woman who lies to her mate about his biological reality regarding the children will be sued in criminal court.  But Georgia is the exception. I invite you to reflect on the consequences that our legal system creates and promotes in overlooking such a rampant reality. Having a child born in a marriage fathered outside the couple is becoming a plague and the detrimental consequences are unlimited. Women engaging in such behaviour may now feel secure with this situation because of the power they have in the courtroom – but this arrangement has no place in a society that wants to promote values that will stand the test of time. The long term solution cannot have at its core hiding the truth and infringing on the fundamental rights of fathers. There must be something done in that regard. These men are real victims and ultimately the children as well. Whether their role has a grander unknown and spiritual mission than one can fathom it is no reason to do nothing and just sit and watch it happen.  In a book filled with testimonies of defrauded fathers all around the world I propose many solutions. Some will be booed by thousands of lawyers for they risk loosing a wonderful money tree that divorce court secures for them and at the same time welcomed by a majority of other lawyers who have shared their intimate thoughts with me in agreeing that divorce should not be handled by any court as we know it now in our society. The radical womens lib will want to put me in jail as well. I urge our society to investigate the unintended results of our current laws and look for solutions that will rectify the ongoing injustices. Right now we promote a distorted set of beliefs in handling the fathers legitimate right to bear and raise his own children. From the outsiders point of view it would seem that women enjoy all kinds of rights and these men end up with responsibility of other consenting adults actions.  As one of my correspondents shared with me “How come if a drunk driver smashes through my house I can sue him and win and when another man sleeps with my wife and gets her pregnant I become responsible for him? History shows us how laws had to be set in order to stop slavery of all kinds. No one would think in our days of enslaving coloured people and whip them to work! Why does anyone can think they can enslave non-biological fathers. Dear Reader I await your comments and invite your input to help me continue my research in that regard.  One thing certain you have not finished hearing from me. In the meantime I offer all my compassion to those defrauded fathers and my sincere wish that those mothers finally healed why and what led them to commit this inhumane act to defraud a man of his child. In a book soon to come out I  have looked at the court system and the games that keep on going I have looked at the children who find out their truth and all the ramifications such realities can engender. The paternity secret may be kept. But all too often it is not. It may be discovered through a blood type that does not match or an organ that cannot be donated. Ultimately the mother may not be able to keep the secret and finally let it out in a drunken destructed moment. Someone in her close circle of secrecy may violate the confidence. And how would it be if one day you discovered that your spouse is half-sister or half-brother? What would you wish to happen if you found out you were that defrauded man? Until my next article I wish you all the Blessings your heart desires! banking services chronicle may 2021

 banking services chronicle may 2021

banking services chronicle magazine subscription

 banking services chronicle magazine subscription

banking services chronicle magazine subscription  Published this article page no  Are you a fortunate person to have someone in your life who cares for you? I dont mean care in the sense it is commonly used. But who cares for you like your mother used to when you were a child? You are a grown-up person now. Does that imply that you dont need anyone to take your care? Dont you need someone to ask you if you are ok? And then to try and make you comfortable? Dont you need someone who knows what you like and then to arrange for it? Dont you need someone who will put balm on your aching legs? Who will smother you with love when you feel lonely? Dont you want someone to just come and sit beside you and talk to you in silence? Dont you need someone who will make you cry because you want to but can not because you are an adult? Dont you feel that you need someone in front of whom you can cry your heart out? And be sure that someone will wipe your tears? Or because you are adult such things are not done? Even if one feels extreme pain of any kind one can cry either in church or all alone in a park? We are adults. But there is a child in all of us. We are fighters but sometimes we lose the battles. We can bear every pain but sometimes the pain can overcome our capacity. We all need a person in our life who can be our mother even if we are eighty years old. Who can understand that we need care. We wish to be pampered. We want someone to take our face in lap and comfort us. Yes we can deny all this but we need someone who cares for us. All of us need a person who takes our care. If we are allowed to cry if we are made to speak about all our troubles if we are pampered to relax us we will feel heavenly. But unfortunately we are all adults. These essentials of living are for kids. For adults it is a corner in their homes or in the office where they can sit and worry and show to the world that they are adults. banking services chronicle magazine subscription

banking services chronicle march 2021 pdf  Published this article page no  The dictionary meaning of word cruel says - to make someone suffer or to give pain to someone. Are all of us cruel in our own ways? Some of us are more than others but is cruelty a part of every personality? Let us look at it from the other side? Dont we all feel that many times our friends family and even the people dearest to us act in ways that hurt us? Sometimes we tell them about it and sometimes we ignore. But is it not true that all those who relate with us closely at some point in our life hurt us? The hurt may not be by a deed. It can be words spoken harshly. It can be misunderstanding our motives and giving them different color. It can be accusing us for no fault of ours. Or it can be simply not trying to understand us. All these actions hurt us. Dont we think at that time that if the other party had been more understanding we would have felt more comfortable? Cruelty does not escape even the most loving mothers. When a mother is tense and tired many times she lets her child cry for milk for sometime ignoring the cries and rather cursing the child of hunger at all the times. The child does not understand any of his/her mothers problems but only wants to be fed. It is not the childs mistake but he /she is hurt. Why? Husbands knowingly not trying to help their wives in household chores wives knowing all about husbands career problems still blaming him for small mistakes children in a class room targeting a child for a physical quality and so on. Are all these not parts of a cruel nature? Companies not responding immediately to consumers problems consumers hammering the companies for smallest faults lawsuits being filed for trivial matters students made to slog in the schools to get higher marks at the cost of their childhood politicians accusing each other of crimes never committed and so many other such instances that can be cited to prove that somewhere in our life we begin losing our compassion. Sadly in most of the cases we are not aware of our cruelty. We become aware of it only when we are targeted. Dont you agree that the world is slowly becoming a cruel world? banking services chronicle march 2021 pdf

 banking services chronicle magazine subscription

banking services chronicle november 2019 pdf

 banking services chronicle november 2019 pdf

banking services chronicle november 2019 pdf  Published this article page no  This article is about people who are addicted to illegal drugs not people who become addicted to prescription drugs that were originaly prescribed by a licensed physician for a legitimate reason. According to most defense attorneys politicians religious leaders Hollywood celebrities and Democrats as well as many prosecutors and judges and as well as a large part of the American public who have been brainwashed by the "politically correct arbitrators" drug addicts are victims. As far as I am concerned that is a bunch of hogwash. Drug addicts are most definitely criminals. Not only are they criminals they are as bad as and should be punished in the same manner as drug peddlers. I dont feel sorry for drug users and addicts. A drug user with very few exceptions (ie Someone with an IQ of under sixty) knew the very first time he or she took illegal drugs that he or she was breaking the law. Therefore the drug user at that point became a criminal. The drug user was not only breaking the law he or she was also aiding and abetting the criminal that gave or sold the user the drugs. The user was providing or would in the future provide money or services to the peddler that would enable the peddler to stay in business and to break more laws. If there were no users there would be no peddlers and if there were no peddlers there would be no drug lords. There would be no drug lords who could use their money to commit murder nor cause murder to be commited. There would be no drug lords to bribe government officials no drug lords to pay people to grow and cultivate plants to be turned into drugs. In other words if there were no drug users there would be no drug trafficking. People have said to me "I only smoke marijuana and smoking marijuana should not be against the law because it is no worse than drinking acohol. Additionally if it is a crime it is a victimless crime  I tell them that they are wrong. In the first place drinking alcohol is legal for people over the age of twenty one (Whether or not drinking alcohol should be legal is a subject for another article.). In the second place money used to buy marijuana goes to criminals and is in many instances used to commit more crimes. In the third place some people resort to crime in order to support their habit. In the fourth place many people while smoking marijauna become idiots and while being forced to talk to or deal with those people may not be considered a crime... it should be. Many people state that the laws against using certain drugs are bad laws therefore it is okay to break those laws. Well I have news for them if they use those drugs they are breaking those laws (good or bad) and they are still criminals and they still deserve to be punished. Everyone has their own ideas as to which laws are good and which laws are bad. If everyone only adhered to the laws that they approved of then we would have anarchy. If you dont like the current drug laws work to have them changed. In the meantime every time you use illegal drugs you are helping someone either a criminal or a terrorist get into a position where they can commit more crimes including possibly taking the lives of innocent people. This means that you could indirectly be killing innocent people in order to have your fun. As far as I am concerned anyone who would put peoples lives in jeopardy in order to "enjoy" the use of illegal drugs should be sent to prison for a long time. The idea that we should be helping and rehabilitating these poor abused drug addicts is baloney. People that are addicted to illegal drugs started out as criminals and are still criminals. They knew that they were breaking the law and unless they were really stupid they knew there was a chance that they could become addicted. They might have thought that they were too smart or too strong to become addicted but they still knew that there was no matter how small a chance that it could happen. Remember if there were no drug users there would be no drug trafficking. banking services chronicle november 2019 pdf

 banking services chronicle november 2019 pdf