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Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Banking service chronicle Monthly Magazine

 Banking service chronicle Monthly Magazine

Banking servicechronicle Monthly Magazine by bsc academy-subscribe published this article page no 9  in return for these jobs the prisoners would pay the government for their room and board and any security medical and utility fees. if the prisoner has any dependents their paycheck would reflect that deduction. cut off from society these prisons would be a society of their own. away from us forever. crime control rather than a gun control is a stricter and more effective deterrent than the failed alternatives. it would not just deter murder with guns it would deter murder with any type of weapon as well as rape aggravated assault - all felonies. it would reduce crime and get these criminals off americas streets once and for all saving the american taxpayer substantially in law enforcement money that will instead be used to build and staff these new prisons. our safety is what we have to take care of - what we must take care of - before we do anything else. we owe it to our children. we teach our children to have pride in america. we teach our children safety first banking service chronicle monthly magazine buy.

 Banking service chronicle Monthly Magazine

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