competition wizard magazine

competition wizard magazine
competition wizard magazine

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

competition success review pdf free download

competition success review pdf free download

competition success review pdf free download Published this article :  Political turmoil and terrorist activities have resulted in tightening of airport security. If you are unaware of rules and regulations you could be detained or delayed inordinately while passing through security checks before boarding the plane. Here are a few insights 1. Never pack any banned items in your carry on luggage. Ensure that the luggage is of the right size and weight as outlined by airline regulations. 2.                Before you walk through the metal detector empty your pockets and place all items like coins jewelry hair clips tie clips watches belts and buckles into the outer pocket for your carry on luggage so that it moves through the x-ray machine and does not cause a din when you walk through. 3.       Wear sensible shoes with low heels slip on shoes are preferable. If you are asked to remove the shoes do so with grace try avoid shoes which have a metal heel arch. 4.     Be prepared to switch on your mobile i-pod laptop PDA and so on if asked. Keep them all together. Be sure to switch all electronics off before take off and during landing. 5.     As soon as you enter the security area place the lap top and other carry ons on the conveyor belt for checking by x-ray.  Ensure that all baggage including your purse has the appropriate tags. 6.     Keep a valid photo ID ready along with the boarding pass. If you like you can have a travel wallet with an ID window on one side and a pocket for the boarding pass and luggage stubs on the other. 7.                Never carry any banned items. Buy what you need at your destination. 8.    Dont lock your checked bags. Often if the x-ray shows anything odd you may need to open the bag for inspection. Once it is through security you may lock the luggage. If you keep updated on laws of the land or check with your travel agent or airline a few days before departure you will be quite prepared and will few problems. In case you are nervous about leaving your car in the lot until you return consider going to the airport by cab. Alternately ask a friend to drop you off. If you are being dropped then you can drive right up to the terminal and save yourself a long walk carrying your luggage. If you dress neatly walk with self confidence answer questions by security staff or airline employees with confidence and without hesitation there should really be no problem whatsoever. As a precaution try not to strike up any friendships with men or women you dont know. If you need to while away any time buy a book or magazine or window shop at the airport. Always eat a light meal before leaving for the airport wear comfortable clothes and carry with you a jacket or coat in case it gets cold. Give comfort priority over style. If you are sensible and practical your flight will be enjoyable and passage through airports without problems.


I am not sure how much national attention this story has gotten but there was a tragedy that took place in Bostons Big Dig on July 10th. One of the ceiling panels that are hung in the tunnels of the biggest construction project in the world the Big Dig fell and crushed a car killing a woman inside. The panels are 20 x 20 and reports have said they weigh anywhere from 3 to 12 tons. This is a huge story here in Massachusetts where I live as it should be. Politicians are once again using this to their advantage to either make themselves look better or the other party look worse. Everyone in this country is the victim because it is all tax money although the woman that died and her new husband are directly victimized. The bill for the project is approximately $14 billion at this point. I am not sure how much of that is federal money but it is in the billions for sure. Since it has opened there have been leaks in the tunnels and now this debacle. What this project is is an example of how poorly our government is run just on a smaller scale. It is no secret here in Massachusetts of how much money was wasted in this project. Governor Romney had to create a group responsible for pursuing the contractors that were overpaid and trying to collect money they should never have received. The story of our government which is obvious when you look at the 8 + trillion dollar deficit you spend all you want and have no control and then try and fix it after. This is how things get so out of control. If things were done correctly the project would have cost a couple billion less they wouldnt have to pay people to recover the other couple billion and the work would have probably been done right. But we are back to reality. A woman has been killed. The number of ceiling tiles with problems is increasing with the continuing inspections. The last count I heard was over 200 tiles that are coming loose. Governor Romney had to file emergency legislation to take over control of the decision on when the tunnel in question will be safe to reopen because the Chairman of the MA Turnpike Authority Matt Amarello has been saying it is safe and it clearly isnt. This particular story is very troublesome to me because I am constantly analyzing our government and trying to open peoples eyes to how incompetent our government is from top to bottom. I continue to make as strong of a case as I can for people to begin seeing that they need to pay more attention to who they vote for in upcoming elections. We cannot just allow the politicians to spend spend spend our money with no consequences. It still bothers me that our federal government contracts with China to build some of our most valuable weapons to protect our country. Yes China a communist country is responsible for building some of the weapons we use to protect the country in times of war. So I ask you please do not see this recent accident in Massachusetts as just an accident. It is more than that. It is proof that the people we elect to run our country are virtually incompetent. They make poor decision after poor decision and the citizens of the country are the ones that suffer. Use this as motivation to make better selections during the next election. If you havent voted in past elections because you didnt feel you had a candidate worth your vote I would like to say you are right. There wasnt a candidate worthy of your vote. But you need to make a statement in upcoming elections. Cast a write-in vote. If you dont know who to vote for write my name down. I know I can do a better job. competition success review pdf free download

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