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Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Shine india monthly magazine

 Shine india monthly magazine

Shine india monthlymagazine published this article page no  12 if the president isnt moving fast enough the people will elect others who will? our current troops should be used only to train iraqi forces both police and military and not act as combatants in a country whose government we already defeated. if the president finds it mandatory to deploy additional troops again these additional forces should only be used to train iraqi forces not to intervene. this is no civil war with moslem pitted against moslem and sect against sect. this is not about catholic versus protestant or jew versus arab. this is all taking place within the context of the same religion. it is even taking place within the same sects. sunni is also killing sunni and shia is killing shia. we could never hope to be able to intervene against such wanton killing. we are after all a democracy the beacon of light in world where there is much darkness. our continued efforts in iraq may weaken this country so much more that it could result in potentially nuclear iran creating the regional hegemony that we tried to prevent iraq from creating shine india monthly magazine telugu.

 Shine india monthly magazine

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