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Thursday, August 5, 2021

banking services chronicle magazine subscription

 banking services chronicle magazine subscription

banking services chronicle magazine subscription  Published this article page no  Are you a fortunate person to have someone in your life who cares for you? I dont mean care in the sense it is commonly used. But who cares for you like your mother used to when you were a child? You are a grown-up person now. Does that imply that you dont need anyone to take your care? Dont you need someone to ask you if you are ok? And then to try and make you comfortable? Dont you need someone who knows what you like and then to arrange for it? Dont you need someone who will put balm on your aching legs? Who will smother you with love when you feel lonely? Dont you want someone to just come and sit beside you and talk to you in silence? Dont you need someone who will make you cry because you want to but can not because you are an adult? Dont you feel that you need someone in front of whom you can cry your heart out? And be sure that someone will wipe your tears? Or because you are adult such things are not done? Even if one feels extreme pain of any kind one can cry either in church or all alone in a park? We are adults. But there is a child in all of us. We are fighters but sometimes we lose the battles. We can bear every pain but sometimes the pain can overcome our capacity. We all need a person in our life who can be our mother even if we are eighty years old. Who can understand that we need care. We wish to be pampered. We want someone to take our face in lap and comfort us. Yes we can deny all this but we need someone who cares for us. All of us need a person who takes our care. If we are allowed to cry if we are made to speak about all our troubles if we are pampered to relax us we will feel heavenly. But unfortunately we are all adults. These essentials of living are for kids. For adults it is a corner in their homes or in the office where they can sit and worry and show to the world that they are adults. banking services chronicle magazine subscription

banking services chronicle march 2021 pdf  Published this article page no  The dictionary meaning of word cruel says - to make someone suffer or to give pain to someone. Are all of us cruel in our own ways? Some of us are more than others but is cruelty a part of every personality? Let us look at it from the other side? Dont we all feel that many times our friends family and even the people dearest to us act in ways that hurt us? Sometimes we tell them about it and sometimes we ignore. But is it not true that all those who relate with us closely at some point in our life hurt us? The hurt may not be by a deed. It can be words spoken harshly. It can be misunderstanding our motives and giving them different color. It can be accusing us for no fault of ours. Or it can be simply not trying to understand us. All these actions hurt us. Dont we think at that time that if the other party had been more understanding we would have felt more comfortable? Cruelty does not escape even the most loving mothers. When a mother is tense and tired many times she lets her child cry for milk for sometime ignoring the cries and rather cursing the child of hunger at all the times. The child does not understand any of his/her mothers problems but only wants to be fed. It is not the childs mistake but he /she is hurt. Why? Husbands knowingly not trying to help their wives in household chores wives knowing all about husbands career problems still blaming him for small mistakes children in a class room targeting a child for a physical quality and so on. Are all these not parts of a cruel nature? Companies not responding immediately to consumers problems consumers hammering the companies for smallest faults lawsuits being filed for trivial matters students made to slog in the schools to get higher marks at the cost of their childhood politicians accusing each other of crimes never committed and so many other such instances that can be cited to prove that somewhere in our life we begin losing our compassion. Sadly in most of the cases we are not aware of our cruelty. We become aware of it only when we are targeted. Dont you agree that the world is slowly becoming a cruel world? banking services chronicle march 2021 pdf

 banking services chronicle magazine subscription

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